vtelegram #
VTelegram 0.11
Library for building telegram bots in V language.
Early stage. In some cases, it does what should.
All methods are in snake_case instead of camelCase: send_message
instead of sendMessage
You can get acquainted with the Telegram Bot API here.
Important Note
This library was primarily developed for personal use, and while it provides some functionality, it may lack comprehensive knowledge of best practices and advanced features. Additionally, it has not been tested in real-life high-pressure projects. However, this library may have further evolving, at the moment based on my needs and preferences.
So to be transparent about the state of this library:
- The library may not follow best practices.
- Gaps in the features of the Telegram Bot API.
- Real-life high-pressure testing has not been conducted.
- It is worth consider the state of the V language
* V language need to have proper concurrency in next 0.5 release to work smoothly... existed spawn
is making lower level threads and overhead of them could lead to unexpected behavior.
Contributions to this library are highly welcome. If you have suggestions for improvements, bug fixes, or additional features, please feel free to open an issue or submit a PR.
v install https://github.com/dnkdev/vtelegram
import vtelegram
- All updates handling using attributes
- Middlewares
- Context Filters
- Single files uploading and sending
- MediaGroup uploading and sending
- Sticker uploading, sticker set creation
- WebHooks
- Methods with
field in the format@username
(atm only ini64
- unique id) - more
Quick start
Examples of vtelegram use.
Tutorials on wiki page, with a bit broader explanation of key features.
Handler attributes
Handlers are your methods which are marked with the attributes which are listed below to indicate which update your method will handle.
Context Filters and Middleware
Context filters determine which update is relevant.
For example, [context: 'private']
specifies that your method will handle updates only in private chats. You can set a context filter both on top of middleware and on top of the handling function. That way you can handle updates and build logic very flexible.
Update handling flow can be defined as follows:
Getting update -> Filters -> Middleware -> Filters -> Your Handling Function
For now middlewares can:
- Prevent update for passing to handlers ( middleware methods must return bool,
for prevent update ) - Transform update
Constants #
const (
endpoint = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'
fn new_media_group #
fn new_media_group[T]() []T
new_media_group create media group of type you want (media group can be 1 type only). vtelegram.new_media_group[vtelegram.InputMediaDocument]()
fn new_reply_markup #
fn new_reply_markup(buttons_r ...InlineKeyboardButtonSum) InlineKeyboardMarkup
fn return_data #
fn return_data[T](response string) T
fn start_polling #
fn start_polling[T, N](mut bot T, args N)
fn ([]InputMediaAnimation) add #
fn (mut group []InputMediaAnimation) add(input InputMediaAnimation)
fn ([]InputMediaAudio) add #
fn (mut group []InputMediaAudio) add(input InputMediaAudio)
fn ([]InputMediaDocument) add #
fn (mut group []InputMediaDocument) add(input InputMediaDocument)
fn ([]InputMediaPhoto) add #
fn (mut group []InputMediaPhoto) add(input InputMediaPhoto)
fn ([]InputMediaVideo) add #
fn (mut group []InputMediaVideo) add(input InputMediaVideo)
type InputMedia #
type InputMedia = InputMediaAnimation
| InputMediaAudio
| InputMediaDocument
| InputMediaPhoto
| InputMediaVideo
struct AddStickerToSet #
struct AddStickerToSet {
pub mut:
// user_id User identifier of sticker set owner
user_id i64
// name Sticker set name
name string
// sticker A JSON-serialized object with information about the added sticker. If exactly the same sticker had already been added to the set, then the set isn't changed.
sticker InputSticker
struct Animation #
struct Animation {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// width Video width as defined by sender
width int
// height Video height as defined by sender
height int
// duration Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender
duration int
// thumbnail Optional. Animation thumbnail as defined by sender
thumbnail PhotoSize
// file_name Optional. Original animation filename as defined by sender
file_name string
// mime_type Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender
mime_type string
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
file_size i64
Animation This object represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).
struct AnswerCallbackQuery #
struct AnswerCallbackQuery {
// callback_query_id Unique identifier for the query to be answered
callback_query_id string
// text Text of the notification. If not specified, nothing will be shown to the user, 0-200 characters
text string
// show_alert If True, an alert will be shown by the client instead of a notification at the top of the chat screen. Defaults to false.
show_alert bool
// url URL that will be opened by the user's client. If you have created a Game and accepted the conditions via @BotFather, specify the URL that opens your game - note that this will only work if the query comes from a callback_game button.
// Otherwise, you may use links like t.me/your_bot?start=XXXX that open your bot with a parameter.
url string
// cache_time The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the callback query may be cached client-side. Telegram apps will support caching starting in version 3.14. Defaults to 0.
cache_time int
struct AnswerInlineQuery #
struct AnswerInlineQuery {
// inline_query_id Unique identifier for the answered query
inline_query_id string
// results A JSON-serialized array of results for the inline query
results []InlineQueryResult
// cache_time The maximum amount of time in seconds that the result of the inline query may be cached on the server. Defaults to 300.
cache_time int
// is_personal Pass True if results may be cached on the server side only for the user that sent the query. By default, results may be returned to any user who sends the same query
is_personal bool
// next_offset Pass the offset that a client should send in the next query with the same text to receive more results. Pass an empty string if there are no more results or if you don't support pagination. Offset length can't exceed 64 bytes.
next_offset string
// button Optional A JSON-serialized object describing a button to be shown above inline query results
button InlineQueryResultsButton
struct AnswerPreCheckoutQuery #
struct AnswerPreCheckoutQuery {
// pre_checkout_query_id Unique identifier for the query to be answered
pre_checkout_query_id string
// ok Specify True if everything is alright (goods are available, etc.) and the bot is ready to proceed with the order. Use False if there are any problems.
ok bool
// error_message Required if ok is False. Error message in human readable form that explains the reason for failure to proceed with the checkout (e.g. "Sorry, somebody just bought the last of our amazing black T-shirts while you were busy filling out your payment details. Please choose a different color or garment!"). Telegram will display this message to the user.
error_message string
struct AnswerShippingQuery #
struct AnswerShippingQuery {
// shipping_query_id Unique identifier for the query to be answered
shipping_query_id string
// ok Pass True if delivery to the specified address is possible and False if there are any problems (for example, if delivery to the specified address is not possible)
ok bool
// shipping_options Required if ok is True. A JSON-serialized array of available shipping options.
shipping_options []ShippingOption
// error_message Required if ok is False. Error message in human readable form that explains why it is impossible to complete the order (e.g. "Sorry, delivery to your desired address is unavailable'). Telegram will display this message to the user.
error_message string
struct AnswerWebAppQuery #
struct AnswerWebAppQuery {
// web_app_query_id Unique identifier for the query to be answered
web_app_query_id string
// result A JSON-serialized object describing the message to be sent
result InlineQueryResult
struct ApproveChatJoinRequest #
struct ApproveChatJoinRequest {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
struct Audio #
struct Audio {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// duration Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender
duration int
// performer Optional. Performer of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags
performer string
// title Optional. Title of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags
title string
// file_name Optional. Original filename as defined by sender
file_name string
// mime_type Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender
mime_type string
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
file_size i64
// thumbnail Optional. Thumbnail of the album cover to which the music file belongs
thumbnail PhotoSize
Audio This object represents an audio file to be treated as music by the Telegram clients.
struct BanChatMember #
struct BanChatMember {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target group or username of the target supergroup or channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
// until_date Date when the user will be unbanned, unix time. If user is banned for more than 366 days or less than 30 seconds from the current time they are considered to be banned forever. Applied for supergroups and channels only.
until_date int
// revoke_messages Pass True to delete all messages from the chat for the user that is being removed. If False, the user will be able to see messages in the group that were sent before the user was removed. Always True for supergroups and channels.
revoke_messages bool
struct BanChatSenderChat #
struct BanChatSenderChat {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// sender_chat_id Unique identifier of the target sender chat
sender_chat_id int
struct Bot #
struct Bot {
token string
pub mut:
offset int
fn (Bot) add_sticker_to_set #
fn (mut b Bot) add_sticker_to_set(params_ AddStickerToSet) !bool
add_sticker_to_set - addStickerToSetUse this method to add a new sticker to a set created by the bot. You must use exactly one of the fields png_sticker, tgs_sticker, or webm_sticker. Animated stickers can be added to animated sticker sets and only to them. Animated sticker sets can have up to 50 stickers. Static sticker sets can have up to 120 stickers. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) answer_callback_query #
fn (mut b Bot) answer_callback_query(params AnswerCallbackQuery) !bool
answer_callback_query - answerCallbackQueryUse this method to send answers to callback queries sent from inline keyboards. The answer will be displayed to the user as a notification at the top of the chat screen or as an alert. On success, True is returned.
fn (Bot) answer_inline_query #
fn (mut b Bot) answer_inline_query(params AnswerInlineQuery) !bool
answer_inline_query - answerInlineQueryUse this method to send answers to an inline query. On success, True is returned.
No more than 50 results per query are allowed.
fn (Bot) answer_pre_checkout_query #
fn (mut b Bot) answer_pre_checkout_query(params AnswerPreCheckoutQuery) !bool
answer_pre_checkout_query - answerPreCheckoutQueryOnce the user has confirmed their payment and shipping details, the Bot API sends the final confirmation in the form of an Update with the field pre_checkout_query. Use this method to respond to such pre-checkout queries. On success, True is returned. Note: The Bot API must receive an answer within 10 seconds after the pre-checkout query was sent.
fn (Bot) answer_shipping_query #
fn (mut b Bot) answer_shipping_query(params AnswerShippingQuery) !bool
answer_shipping_query - answerShippingQueryIf you sent an invoice requesting a shipping address and the parameter is_flexible was specified, the Bot API will send an Update with a shipping_query field to the bot. Use this method to reply to shipping queries. On success, True is returned.
fn (Bot) answer_web_app_query #
fn (mut b Bot) answer_web_app_query(params AnswerWebAppQuery) !SentWebAppMessage
answer_web_app_query - answerWebAppQueryUse this method to set the result of an interaction with a Web App and send a corresponding message on behalf of the user to the chat from which the query originated. On success, a SentWebAppMessage object is returned.
fn (Bot) api_multipart_form_request #
fn (mut b Bot) api_multipart_form_request(api_method string, _data map[string]string, ufiles map[string][]http.FileData) !string
fn (Bot) api_request #
fn (mut b Bot) api_request(api_method string, _data string) !string
fn (Bot) approve_chat_join_request #
fn (mut b Bot) approve_chat_join_request(params ApproveChatJoinRequest) !bool
approve_chat_join_request - approveChatJoinRequestUse this method to approve a chat join request. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_invite_users administrator right. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) ban_chat_member #
fn (mut b Bot) ban_chat_member(params BanChatMember) !bool
ban_chat_member - banChatMemberUse this method to ban a user in a group, a supergroup or a channel. In the case of supergroups and channels, the user will not be able to return to the chat on their own using invite links, etc., unless unbanned first. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) ban_chat_sender_chat #
fn (mut b Bot) ban_chat_sender_chat(params BanChatSenderChat) !bool
ban_chat_sender_chat - banChatSenderChatUse this method to ban a channel chat in a supergroup or a channel. Until the chat is unbanned, the owner of the banned chat won't be able to send messages on behalf of any of their channels. The bot must be an administrator in the supergroup or channel for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) close #
fn (mut b Bot) close(params Close) !bool
close - closeUse this method to close the bot instance before moving it from one local server to another. You need to delete the webhook before calling this method to ensure that the bot isn't launched again after server restart. The method will return error 429 in the first 10 minutes after the bot is launched. Returns True on success. Requires no parameters.
fn (Bot) close_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) close_forum_topic(params CloseForumTopic) !bool
close_forum_topic - closeForumTopicUse this method to close an open topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) close_general_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) close_general_forum_topic(params CloseGeneralForumTopic) !bool
close_general_forum_topic - closeGeneralForumTopicUse this method to close an open 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) copy_message #
fn (mut b Bot) copy_message(params CopyMessage) !MessageId
copy_message - copyMessageUse this method to copy messages of any kind. Service messages and invoice messages can't be copied. A quiz poll can be copied only if the value of the field correct_option_id is known to the bot. The method is analogous to the method forwardMessage, but the copied message doesn't have a link to the original message. Returns the MessageId of the sent message on success.
fn (Bot) create_chat_invite_link #
fn (mut b Bot) create_chat_invite_link(params CreateChatInviteLink) !ChatInviteLink
create_chat_invite_link - createChatInviteLinkUse this method to create an additional invite link for a chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. The link can be revoked using the method revokeChatInviteLink. Returns the new invite link as ChatInviteLink object.
fn (Bot) create_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) create_forum_topic(params CreateForumTopic) !ForumTopic
create_forum_topic - createForumTopicUse this method to create a topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns information about the created topic as a ForumTopic object.
fn (Bot) create_invoice_link #
fn (mut b Bot) create_invoice_link(params CreateInvoiceLink) !string
create_invoice_link - createInvoiceLinkUse this method to create a link for an invoice. Returns the created invoice link as String on success.
fn (Bot) create_new_sticker_set #
fn (mut b Bot) create_new_sticker_set(params_ CreateNewStickerSet) !bool
create_new_sticker_set - createNewStickerSetUse this method to create a new sticker set owned by a user. The bot will be able to edit the sticker set thus created. You must use exactly one of the fields png_sticker, tgs_sticker, or webm_sticker. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) decline_chat_join_request #
fn (mut b Bot) decline_chat_join_request(params DeclineChatJoinRequest) !bool
decline_chat_join_request - declineChatJoinRequestUse this method to decline a chat join request. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_invite_users administrator right. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_chat_photo #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_chat_photo(params DeleteChatPhoto) !bool
delete_chat_photo - deleteChatPhotoUse this method to delete a chat photo. Photos can't be changed for private chats. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_chat_sticker_set #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_chat_sticker_set(params DeleteChatStickerSet) !bool
delete_chat_sticker_set - deleteChatStickerSetUse this method to delete a group sticker set from a supergroup. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Use the field can_set_sticker_set optionally returned in getChat requests to check if the bot can use this method. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_forum_topic(params DeleteForumTopic) !bool
delete_forum_topic - deleteForumTopicUse this method to delete a forum topic along with all its messages in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_delete_messages administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_message #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_message(params DeleteMessage) !bool
delete_message - deleteMessage Use this method to delete a message, including service messages, with the following limitations:
- A message can only be deleted if it was sent less than 48 hours ago.
- Service messages about a supergroup, channel, or forum topic creation can't be deleted.
- A dice message in a private chat can only be deleted if it was sent more than 24 hours ago.
- Bots can delete outgoing messages in private chats, groups, and supergroups.
- Bots can delete incoming messages in private chats.
- Bots granted can_post_messages permissions can delete outgoing messages in channels.
- If the bot is an administrator of a group, it can delete any message there.
- If the bot has can_delete_messages permission in a supergroup or a channel, it can delete any message there.Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_my_commands #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_my_commands(params DeleteMyCommands) !bool
delete_my_commands - deleteMyCommandsUse this method to delete the list of the bot's commands for the given scope and user language. After deletion, higher level commands will be shown to affected users. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_sticker_from_set #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_sticker_from_set(params DeleteStickerFromSet) !bool
delete_sticker_from_set - deleteStickerFromSetUse this method to delete a sticker from a set created by the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_sticker_set #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_sticker_set(params DeleteStickerSet) !bool
delete_sticker_set - deleteStickerSetUse this method to delete a sticker set that was created by the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) delete_webhook #
fn (mut b Bot) delete_webhook(params DeleteWebhook) !bool
delete_webhook - deleteWebhookUse this method to remove webhook integration if you decide to switch back to getUpdates. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) edit_chat_invite_link #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_chat_invite_link(params EditChatInviteLink) !ChatInviteLink
edit_chat_invite_link - editChatInviteLinkUse this method to edit a non-primary invite link created by the bot. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns the edited invite link as a ChatInviteLink object.
fn (Bot) edit_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_forum_topic(params EditForumTopic) !bool
edit_forum_topic - editForumTopicUse this method to edit name and icon of a topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) edit_general_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_general_forum_topic(params EditGeneralForumTopic) !bool
edit_general_forum_topic - editGeneralForumTopicUse this method to edit the name of the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) edit_message_caption #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_message_caption(params EditMessageCaption) !Message
edit_message_caption - editMessageCaptionUse this method to edit captions of messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
fn (Bot) edit_message_live_location #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_message_live_location(params EditMessageLiveLocation) !Message
edit_message_live_location - editMessageLiveLocationUse this method to edit live location messages. A location can be edited until its live_period expires or editing is explicitly disabled by a call to stopMessageLiveLocation. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
fn (Bot) edit_message_media #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_message_media(params EditMessageMedia) !Message
edit_message_media - editMessageMediaUse this method to edit animation, audio, document, photo, or video messages. If a message is part of a message album, then it can be edited only to an audio for audio albums, only to a document for document albums and to a photo or a video otherwise. When an inline message is edited, a new file can't be uploaded; use a previously uploaded file via its file_id or specify a URL. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
fn (Bot) edit_message_reply_markup #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_message_reply_markup(params EditMessageReplyMarkup) !Message
edit_message_reply_markup - editMessageReplyMarkupUse this method to edit only the reply markup of messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
fn (Bot) edit_message_text #
fn (mut b Bot) edit_message_text(params EditMessageText) !Message
edit_message_text - editMessageTextUse this method to edit text and game messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
fn (Bot) export_chat_invite_link #
fn (mut b Bot) export_chat_invite_link(params ExportChatInviteLink) !string
export_chat_invite_link - exportChatInviteLinkUse this method to generate a new primary invite link for a chat; any previously generated primary link is revoked. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns the new invite link as String on success.
fn (Bot) forward_message #
fn (mut b Bot) forward_message(params ForwardMessage) !Message
forward_message - forwardMessageUse this method to forward messages of any kind. Service messages can't be forwarded. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) get_chat #
fn (mut b Bot) get_chat(params GetChat) !Chat
get_chat - getChatUse this method to get up to date information about the chat (current name of the user for one-on-one conversations, current username of a user, group or channel, etc.). Returns a Chat object on success.
fn (Bot) get_chat_administrators #
fn (mut b Bot) get_chat_administrators(params GetChatAdministrators) ![]ChatMember
get_chat_administrators - getChatAdministratorsUse this method to get a list of administrators in a chat, which aren't bots. Returns an Array of ChatMember objects.
fn (Bot) get_chat_member #
fn (mut b Bot) get_chat_member(params GetChatMember) !ChatMember
get_chat_member - getChatMemberUse this method to get information about a member of a chat. The method is guaranteed to work only if the bot is an administrator in the chat. Returns a ChatMember object on success.
fn (Bot) get_chat_member_count #
fn (mut b Bot) get_chat_member_count(params GetChatMemberCount) !int
get_chat_member_count - getChatMemberCountUse this method to get the number of members in a chat. Returns Int on success.
fn (Bot) get_custom_emoji_stickers #
fn (mut b Bot) get_custom_emoji_stickers(params GetCustomEmojiStickers) ![]string
get_custom_emoji_stickers - getCustomEmojiStickersUse this method to get information about custom emoji stickers by their identifiers. Returns an Array of Sticker objects.
fn (Bot) get_file #
fn (mut b Bot) get_file(params GetFile) !File
get_file - getFileUse this method to get basic information about a file and prepare it for downloading. For the moment, bots can download files of up to 20MB in size. On success, a File object is returned. The file can then be downloaded via the link https://api.telegram.org/file/bot
fn (Bot) get_forum_topic_icon_stickers #
fn (mut b Bot) get_forum_topic_icon_stickers(params GetForumTopicIconStickers) ![]Sticker
get_forum_topic_icon_stickers - getForumTopicIconStickersUse this method to get custom emoji stickers, which can be used as a forum topic icon by any user. Requires no parameters. Returns an Array of Sticker objects.
fn (Bot) get_game_high_scores #
fn (mut b Bot) get_game_high_scores(params GetGameHighScores) ![]GameHighScore
get_game_high_scores - getGameHighScoresUse this method to get data for high score tables. Will return the score of the specified user and several of their neighbors in a game. Returns an Array of GameHighScore objects.
fn (Bot) get_me #
fn (mut b Bot) get_me() !User
get_me - getMeA simple method for testing your bot's authentication token. Requires no parameters. Returns basic information about the bot in form of a User object.
fn (Bot) get_my_commands #
fn (mut b Bot) get_my_commands(params GetMyCommands) ![]BotCommand
get_my_commands - getMyCommandsUse this method to get the current list of the bot's commands for the given scope and user language. Returns an Array of BotCommand objects. If commands aren't set, an empty list is returned.
fn (Bot) get_my_default_administrator_rights #
fn (mut b Bot) get_my_default_administrator_rights(params GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights) !ChatAdministratorRights
get_my_default_administrator_rights - getMyDefaultAdministratorRightsUse this method to get the current default administrator rights of the bot. Returns ChatAdministratorRights on success.
fn (Bot) get_my_description #
fn (mut b Bot) get_my_description(params GetMyDescription) !BotDescription
get_my_description - getMyDescriptionUse this method to get the current bot description for the given user language. Returns BotDescription on success.
fn (Bot) get_my_name #
fn (mut b Bot) get_my_name(params GetMyName) ![]BotName
get_my_name - getMyNameUse this method to get the current bot name for the given user language. Returns BotName on success.
fn (Bot) get_my_short_description #
fn (mut b Bot) get_my_short_description(params GetMyShortDescription) !BotShortDescription
get_my_short_description - getMyShortDescriptionUse this method to get the current bot short description for the given user language. Returns BotShortDescription on success.
fn (Bot) get_sticker_set #
fn (mut b Bot) get_sticker_set(params GetStickerSet) !StickerSet
get_sticker_set - getStickerSetUse this method to get a sticker set. On success, a StickerSet object is returned.
fn (Bot) get_updates #
fn (mut b Bot) get_updates(params GetUpdates) ![]Update
get_updates - getUpdatesUse this method to receive incoming updates using long polling (wiki). Returns an Array of Update objects.
fn (Bot) get_user_profile_photos #
fn (mut b Bot) get_user_profile_photos(params GetUserProfilePhotos) !UserProfilePhotos
get_user_profile_photos - getUserProfilePhotosUse this method to get a list of profile pictures for a user. Returns a UserProfilePhotos object.
fn (Bot) get_webhook_info #
fn (mut b Bot) get_webhook_info(params GetWebhookInfo) !WebhookInfo
get_webhook_info - getWebhookInfoUse this method to get current webhook status. Requires no parameters. On success, returns a WebhookInfo object. If the bot is using getUpdates, will return an object with the url field empty.
fn (Bot) hide_general_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) hide_general_forum_topic(params HideGeneralForumTopic) !bool
hide_general_forum_topic - hideGeneralForumTopicUse this method to hide the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. The topic will be automatically closed if it was open. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) leave_chat #
fn (mut b Bot) leave_chat(params LeaveChat) !bool
leave_chat - leaveChatUse this method for your bot to leave a group, supergroup or channel. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) log_out #
fn (mut b Bot) log_out(params LogOut) !bool
log_out - logOutUse this method to log out from the cloud Bot API server before launching the bot locally. You must log out the bot before running it locally, otherwise there is no guarantee that the bot will receive updates. After a successful call, you can immediately log in on a local server, but will not be able to log in back to the cloud Bot API server for 10 minutes. Returns True on success. Requires no parameters.
fn (Bot) pin_chat_message #
fn (mut b Bot) pin_chat_message(params PinChatMessage) !bool
pin_chat_message - pinChatMessageUse this method to add a message to the list of pinned messages in a chat. If the chat is not a private chat, the bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the 'can_pin_messages' administrator right in a supergroup or 'can_edit_messages' administrator right in a channel. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) promote_chat_member #
fn (mut b Bot) promote_chat_member(params PromoteChatMember) !bool
promote_chat_member - promoteChatMemberUse this method to promote or demote a user in a supergroup or a channel. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Pass False for all boolean parameters to demote a user. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) reopen_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) reopen_forum_topic(params ReopenForumTopic) !bool
reopen_forum_topic - reopenForumTopicUse this method to reopen a closed topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights, unless it is the creator of the topic. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) reopen_general_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) reopen_general_forum_topic(params ReopenGeneralForumTopic) !bool
reopen_general_forum_topic - reopenGeneralForumTopicUse this method to reopen a closed 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. The topic will be automatically unhidden if it was hidden. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) restrict_chat_member #
fn (mut b Bot) restrict_chat_member(params RestrictChatMember) !bool
restrict_chat_member - restrictChatMemberUse this method to restrict a user in a supergroup. The bot must be an administrator in the supergroup for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Pass True for all permissions to lift restrictions from a user. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) revoke_chat_invite_link #
fn (mut b Bot) revoke_chat_invite_link(params RevokeChatInviteLink) !ChatInviteLink
revoke_chat_invite_link - revokeChatInviteLinkUse this method to revoke an invite link created by the bot. If the primary link is revoked, a new link is automatically generated. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns the revoked invite link as ChatInviteLink object.
fn (Bot) send_animation #
fn (mut b Bot) send_animation(params SendAnimation) !Message
send_animation - sendAnimationUse this method to send animation files (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send animation files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
fn (Bot) send_audio #
fn (mut b Bot) send_audio(params SendAudio) !Message
send_audio - sendAudioUse this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display them in the music player. Your audio must be in the .MP3 or .M4A format. On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send audio files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
fn (Bot) send_chat_action #
fn (mut b Bot) send_chat_action(params SendChatAction) !bool
send_chat_action - sendChatActionUse this method when you need to tell the user that something is happening on the bot's side. The status is set for 5 seconds or less (when a message arrives from your bot, Telegram clients clear its typing status). Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) send_contact #
fn (mut b Bot) send_contact(params SendContact) !Message
send_contact - sendContactUse this method to send phone contacts. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_dice #
fn (mut b Bot) send_dice(params SendDice) !Message
send_dice - sendDiceUse this method to send an animated emoji that will display a random value. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_document #
fn (mut b Bot) send_document(params SendDocument) !Message
send_document - sendDocumentUse this method to send general files. On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send files of any type of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
fn (Bot) send_game #
fn (mut b Bot) send_game(params SendGame) !Message
send_game - sendGameUse this method to send a game. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_invoice #
fn (mut b Bot) send_invoice(params SendInvoice) !Message
send_invoice - sendInvoiceUse this method to send invoices. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_location #
fn (mut b Bot) send_location(params SendLocation) !Message
send_location - sendLocationUse this method to send point on the map. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_media_group #
fn (mut b Bot) send_media_group[T](params_ SendMediaGroup[T]) ![]Message
send_media_group - sendMediaGroupTODO: Known bug: if files have same name, then multipart-form request won't be able to parse files properly.
avoid files with one name or there need to make a fix in building a query (prepare_files func 'files[KEY]' and 'attach://KEY' string in query should match).
Use this method to send a group of photos, videos, documents or audios as an album. Documents and audio files can be only grouped in an album with messages of the same type. On success, an array of Messages that were sent is returned.
fn (Bot) send_message #
fn (mut b Bot) send_message(params SendMessage) !Message
send_message - sendMessageUse this method to send text messages. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_photo #
fn (mut b Bot) send_photo(params SendPhoto) !Message
send_photo - sendPhotoUse this method to send photos. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_poll #
fn (mut b Bot) send_poll(params SendPoll) !Message
send_poll - sendPollUse this method to send a native poll. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_sticker #
fn (mut b Bot) send_sticker(params SendSticker) !Message
send_sticker - sendStickerUse this method to send static .WEBP, animated .TGS, or video .WEBM stickers. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_venue #
fn (mut b Bot) send_venue(params SendVenue) !Message
send_venue - sendVenueUse this method to send information about a venue. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_video #
fn (mut b Bot) send_video(params SendVideo) !Message
send_video - sendVideoUse this method to send video files, Telegram clients support MPEG4 videos (other formats may be sent as Document). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send video files of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
fn (Bot) send_video_note #
fn (mut b Bot) send_video_note(params SendVideoNote) !Message
send_video_note - sendVideoNoteAs of v.4.0, Telegram clients support rounded square MPEG4 videos of up to 1 minute long. Use this method to send video messages. On success, the sent Message is returned.
fn (Bot) send_voice #
fn (mut b Bot) send_voice(params SendVoice) !Message
send_voice - sendVoiceUse this method to send audio files, if you want Telegram clients to display the file as a playable voice message. For this to work, your audio must be in an .OGG file encoded with OPUS (other formats may be sent as Audio or Document). On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send voice messages of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
fn (Bot) set_chat_administrator_custom_title #
fn (mut b Bot) set_chat_administrator_custom_title(params SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle) !bool
set_chat_administrator_custom_title - setChatAdministratorCustomTitleUse this method to set a custom title for an administrator in a supergroup promoted by the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_chat_description #
fn (mut b Bot) set_chat_description(params SetChatDescription) !bool
set_chat_description - setChatDescriptionUse this method to change the description of a group, a supergroup or a channel. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_chat_permissions #
fn (mut b Bot) set_chat_permissions(params SetChatPermissions) !bool
set_chat_permissions - setChatPermissionsUse this method to set default chat permissions for all members. The bot must be an administrator in the group or a supergroup for this to work and must have the can_restrict_members administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_chat_photo #
fn (mut b Bot) set_chat_photo(params SetChatPhoto) !bool
set_chat_photo - setChatPhotoUse this method to set a new profile photo for the chat. Photos can't be changed for private chats. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_chat_sticker_set #
fn (mut b Bot) set_chat_sticker_set(params SetChatStickerSet) !bool
set_chat_sticker_set - setChatStickerSetUse this method to set a new group sticker set for a supergroup. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Use the field can_set_sticker_set optionally returned in getChat requests to check if the bot can use this method. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_chat_title #
fn (mut b Bot) set_chat_title(params SetChatTitle) !bool
set_chat_title - setChatTitleUse this method to change the title of a chat. Titles can't be changed for private chats. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_custom_emoji_sticker_set_thumbnail #
fn (mut b Bot) set_custom_emoji_sticker_set_thumbnail(params SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail) !bool
set_custom_emoji_sticker_set_thumbnail - setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnailUse this method to set the thumbnail of a custom emoji sticker set. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_game_score #
fn (mut b Bot) set_game_score(params SetGameScore) !Message
set_game_score - setGameScoreUse this method to set the score of the specified user in a game message. On success, if the message is not an inline message, the Message is returned, otherwise True is returned. Returns an error, if the new score is not greater than the user's current score in the chat and force is False.
fn (Bot) set_my_commands #
fn (mut b Bot) set_my_commands(params SetMyCommands) !bool
set_my_commands - setMyCommandsUse this method to change the list of the bot's commands. See this manual for more details about bot commands. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_my_default_administrator_rights #
fn (mut b Bot) set_my_default_administrator_rights(params SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights) !bool
set_my_default_administrator_rights - setMyDefaultAdministratorRightsUse this method to change the default administrator rights requested by the bot when it's added as an administrator to groups or channels. These rights will be suggested to users, but they are are free to modify the list before adding the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_my_description #
fn (mut b Bot) set_my_description(params SetMyDescription) !bool
set_my_description - setMyDescriptionUse this method to change the bot's description, which is shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_my_name #
fn (mut b Bot) set_my_name(params SetMyName) !bool
set_my_name - setMyNameUse this method to change the bot's name. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_my_short_description #
fn (mut b Bot) set_my_short_description(params SetMyShortDescription) !bool
set_my_short_description - setMyShortDescriptionUse this method to change the bot's short description, which is shown on the bot's profile page and is sent together with the link when users share the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_passport_data_errors #
fn (mut b Bot) set_passport_data_errors(params SetPassportDataErrors) !bool
set_passport_data_errors - setPassportDataErrorsInforms a user that some of the Telegram Passport elements they provided contains errors. The user will not be able to re-submit their Passport to you until the errors are fixed (the contents of the field for which you returned the error must change). Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_sticker_emoji_list #
fn (mut b Bot) set_sticker_emoji_list(params SetStickerEmojiList) !bool
set_sticker_emoji_list - setStickerEmojiListUse this method to change the list of emoji assigned to a regular or custom emoji sticker. The sticker must belong to a sticker set created by the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_sticker_keywords #
fn (mut b Bot) set_sticker_keywords(params SetStickerKeywords) !bool
set_sticker_keywords - setStickerKeywordsUse this method to change search keywords assigned to a regular or custom emoji sticker. The sticker must belong to a sticker set created by the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_sticker_mask_position #
fn (mut b Bot) set_sticker_mask_position(params SetStickerMaskPosition) !bool
set_sticker_mask_position - setStickerMaskPositionUse this method to change the mask position of a mask sticker. The sticker must belong to a sticker set that was created by the bot. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_sticker_position_in_set #
fn (mut b Bot) set_sticker_position_in_set(params SetStickerPositionInSet) !bool
set_sticker_position_in_set - setStickerPositionInSetUse this method to move a sticker in a set created by the bot to a specific position. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_sticker_set_thumbnail #
fn (mut b Bot) set_sticker_set_thumbnail(params SetStickerSetThumbnail) !bool
set_sticker_set_thumbnail - setStickerSetThumbnailUse this method to set the thumbnail of a sticker set. Animated thumbnails can be set for animated sticker sets only. Video thumbnails can be set only for video sticker sets only. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_sticker_set_title #
fn (mut b Bot) set_sticker_set_title(params SetStickerSetTitle) !bool
set_sticker_set_title - setStickerSetTitleUse this method to set the title of a created sticker set. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) set_webhook #
fn (mut b Bot) set_webhook(params SetWebhook) !bool
set_webhook - setWebhookUse this method to specify a URL and receive incoming updates via an outgoing webhook. Whenever there is an update for the bot, we will send an HTTPS POST request to the specified URL, containing a JSON-serialized Update. In case of an unsuccessful request, we will give up after a reasonable amount of attempts. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) stop_message_live_location #
fn (mut b Bot) stop_message_live_location(params StopMessageLiveLocation) !Message
stop_message_live_location - stopMessageLiveLocationUse this method to stop updating a live location message before live_period expires. On success, if the message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
fn (Bot) stop_poll #
fn (mut b Bot) stop_poll(params StopPoll) !Poll
stop_poll - stopPollUse this method to stop a poll which was sent by the bot. On success, the stopped Poll is returned.
fn (Bot) unban_chat_member #
fn (mut b Bot) unban_chat_member(params UnbanChatMember) !bool
unban_chat_member - unbanChatMemberUse this method to unban a previously banned user in a supergroup or channel. The user will not return to the group or channel automatically, but will be able to join via link, etc. The bot must be an administrator for this to work. By default, this method guarantees that after the call the user is not a member of the chat, but will be able to join it. So if the user is a member of the chat they will also be removed from the chat. If you don't want this, use the parameter only_if_banned. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) unban_chat_sender_chat #
fn (mut b Bot) unban_chat_sender_chat(params UnbanChatSenderChat) !bool
unban_chat_sender_chat - unbanChatSenderChatUse this method to unban a previously banned channel chat in a supergroup or channel. The bot must be an administrator for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) unhide_general_forum_topic #
fn (mut b Bot) unhide_general_forum_topic(params UnhideGeneralForumTopic) !bool
unhide_general_forum_topic - unhideGeneralForumTopicUse this method to unhide the 'General' topic in a forum supergroup chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_manage_topics administrator rights. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) unpin_all_chat_messages #
fn (mut b Bot) unpin_all_chat_messages(params UnpinAllChatMessages) !bool
unpin_all_chat_messages - unpinAllChatMessagesUse this method to clear the list of pinned messages in a chat. If the chat is not a private chat, the bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the 'can_pin_messages' administrator right in a supergroup or 'can_edit_messages' administrator right in a channel. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) unpin_all_forum_topic_messages #
fn (mut b Bot) unpin_all_forum_topic_messages(params UnpinAllForumTopicMessages) !bool
unpin_all_forum_topic_messages - unpinAllForumTopicMessagesUse this method to clear the list of pinned messages in a forum topic. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_pin_messages administrator right in the supergroup. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) unpin_all_general_forum_topic_messages #
fn (mut b Bot) unpin_all_general_forum_topic_messages(params UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages) !bool
unpin_all_general_forum_topic_messages - unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages Use this method to clear the list of pinned messages in a General forum topic. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the can_pin_messages administrator right in the supergroup. Returns True on success
fn (Bot) unpin_chat_message #
fn (mut b Bot) unpin_chat_message(params UnpinChatMessage) !bool
unpin_chat_message - unpinChatMessageUse this method to remove a message from the list of pinned messages in a chat. If the chat is not a private chat, the bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the 'can_pin_messages' administrator right in a supergroup or 'can_edit_messages' administrator right in a channel. Returns True on success.
fn (Bot) upload_sticker_file #
fn (mut b Bot) upload_sticker_file(params UploadStickerFile) !File
upload_sticker_file - uploadStickerFileUse this method to upload a file with a sticker for later use in the createNewStickerSet and addStickerToSet methods (the file can be used multiple times). Returns the uploaded File on success.
struct BotCommand #
struct BotCommand {
// command Text of the command; 1-32 characters. Can contain only lowercase English letters, digits and underscores.
command string
// description Description of the command; 1-256 characters.
description string
BotCommand This object represents a bot command.
struct BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators #
struct BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators {
// type Scope type, must be all_chat_administrators
@type string
BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all group and supergroup chat administrators.
struct BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats #
struct BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats {
// type Scope type, must be all_group_chats
@type string
BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all group and supergroup chats.
struct BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats #
struct BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats {
// type Scope type, must be all_private_chats
@type string
BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all private chats.
struct BotCommandScopeChat #
struct BotCommandScopeChat {
// type Scope type, must be chat
@type string
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id string
BotCommandScopeChat Represents the scope of bot commands, covering a specific chat.
struct BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators #
struct BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators {
// type Scope type, must be chat_administrators
@type string
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id string
BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all administrators of a specific group or supergroup chat.
struct BotCommandScopeChatMember #
struct BotCommandScopeChatMember {
// type Scope type, must be chat_member
@type string
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id string
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
BotCommandScopeChatMember Represents the scope of bot commands, covering a specific member of a group or supergroup chat.
struct BotCommandScopeDefault #
struct BotCommandScopeDefault {
// type Scope type, must be default
@type string
BotCommandScopeDefault Represents the default scope of bot commands. Default commands are used if no commands with a narrower scope are specified for the user.
struct BotDescription #
struct BotDescription {
// description The bot's description
description string
BotDescription This object represents the bot's description.
struct BotName #
struct BotName {
// name The bot's name
name string
BotName This object represents the bot's name.
struct BotShortDescription #
struct BotShortDescription {
// description The bot's short description
short_description string
BotShortDescription This object represents the bot's short description.
struct CallbackGame #
struct CallbackGame {
// user_id User identifier
user_id int
// score New score, must be non-negative
score int
// force Pass True if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters
force bool
// disable_edit_message Pass True if the game message should not be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard
disable_edit_message bool
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat
chat_id int
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the sent message
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
CallbackGame A placeholder, currently holds no information. Use BotFather to set up your game.
struct CallbackQuery #
struct CallbackQuery {
pub mut:
// id Unique identifier for this query
id string
// from Sender
from User
// message Optional. Message with the callback button that originated the query. Note that message content and message date will not be available if the message is too old
message Message
// inline_message_id Optional. Identifier of the message sent via the bot in inline mode, that originated the query.
inline_message_id string
// chat_instance Global identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat to which the message with the callback button was sent. Useful for high scores in games.
chat_instance string
// data Optional. Data associated with the callback button. Be aware that the message originated the query can contain no callback buttons with this data.
data string
// game_short_name Optional. Short name of a Game to be returned, serves as the unique identifier for the game
game_short_name string
CallbackQuery This object represents an incoming callback query from a callback button in an inline keyboard. If the button that originated the query was attached to a message sent by the bot, the field message will be present. If the button was attached to a message sent via the bot (in inline mode), the field inline_message_id will be present. Exactly one of the fields data or game_short_name will be present.
struct Chat #
struct Chat {
// id Unique identifier for this chat. This number mad some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identify have more than 32 significant bits anier.
id i64
// type Type of chat, can be either “private”, “group”, “supergroup” or “channel”
@type string
// title Optional. Title, for supergroups, channels and group chats
title string
// username Optional. Username, for private chats, supergroups and channels if available
username string
// first_name Optional. First name of the other party in a private chat
first_name string
// last_name Optional. Last name of the other party in a private chat
last_name string
// is_forum Optional. True, if the supergroup chat is a forum (has topics enabled)
is_forum bool
// photo Optional. Chat photo. Returned only in getChat.
photo ChatPhoto
// active_usernames Optional. If non-empty, the list of all active chat usernames; for private chats, supergroups and channels. Returned only in getChat.
active_usernames []string
// emoji_status_custom_emoji_id Optional. Custom emoji identifier of emoji status of the other party in a private chat. Returned only in getChat.
emoji_status_custom_emoji_id string
// emoji_status_expiration_date Optional. Expiration date of the emoji status of the other party in a private chat, if any. Returned only in getChat.
emoji_status_expiration_date int
// bio Optional. Bio of the other party in a private chat. Returned only in getChat.
bio string
// has_private_forwards Optional. True, if privacy settings of the other party in the private chat allows to use tg://user?id= links only in chats with the user. Returned only in getChat.
has_private_forwards bool
// has_restricted_voice_and_video_messages Optional. True, if the privacy settings of the other party restrict sending voice and video note messages in the private chat. Returned only in getChat.
has_restricted_voice_and_video_messages bool
// join_to_send_messages Optional. True, if users need to join the supergroup before they can send messages. Returned only in getChat.
join_to_send_messages bool
// join_by_request Optional. True, if all users directly joining the supergroup need to be approved by supergroup administrators. Returned only in getChat.
join_by_request bool
// description Optional. Description, for groups, supergroups and channel chats. Returned only in getChat.
description string
// invite_link Optional. Primary invite link, for groups, supergroups and channel chats. Returned only in getChat.
invite_link string
// pinned_message Optional. The most recent pinned message (by sending date). Returned only in getChat.
pinned_message &Message = unsafe { nil }
// permissions Optional. Default chat member permissions, for groups and supergroups. Returned only in getChat.
permissions ChatPermissions
// slow_mode_delay Optional. For supergroups, the minimum allowed delay between consecutive messages sent by each unpriviledged user; in seconds. Returned only in getChat.
slow_mode_delay int
// message_auto_delete_time Optional. The time after which all messages sent to the chat will be automatically deleted; in seconds. Returned only in getChat.
message_auto_delete_time int
// has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled Optional. True, if aggressive anti-spam checks are enabled in the supergroup. The field is only available to chat administrators. Returned only in getChat.
has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled bool
// has_hidden_members Optional. True, if non-administrators can only get the list of bots and administrators in the chat. Returned only in getChat.
has_hidden_members bool
// has_protected_content Optional. True, if messages from the chat can't be forwarded to other chats. Returned only in getChat.
has_protected_content bool
// sticker_set_name Optional. For supergroups, name of group sticker set. Returned only in getChat.
sticker_set_name string
// can_set_sticker_set Optional. True, if the bot can change the group sticker set. Returned only in getChat.
can_set_sticker_set bool
// linked_chat_id Optional. Unique identifier for the linked chat, i.e. the discussion group identifier for a channel and vice versa; for supergroups and channel chats. This identifier may be greater than 32 bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it is smaller than 52 bits, so a signed 64 bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier. Returned only in getChat.
linked_chat_id int
// location Optional. For supergroups, the location to which the supergroup is connected. Returned only in getChat.
location ChatLocation
Chat This object represents a chat.
struct ChatAdministratorRights #
struct ChatAdministratorRights {
// is_anonymous True, if the user's presence in the chat is hidden
is_anonymous bool
// can_manage_chat True, if the administrator can access the chat event log, chat statistics, message statistics in channels, see channel members, see anonymous administrators in supergroups and ignore slow mode. Implied by any other administrator privilege
can_manage_chat bool
// can_delete_messages True, if the administrator can delete messages of other users
can_delete_messages bool
// can_manage_video_chats True, if the administrator can manage video chats
can_manage_video_chats bool
// can_restrict_members True, if the administrator can restrict, ban or unban chat members
can_restrict_members bool
// can_promote_members True, if the administrator can add new administrators with a subset of their own privileges or demote administrators that he has promoted, directly or indirectly (promoted by administrators that were appointed by the user)
can_promote_members bool
// can_change_info True, if the user is allowed to change the chat title, photo and other settings
can_change_info bool
// can_invite_users True, if the user is allowed to invite new users to the chat
can_invite_users bool
// can_post_messages Optional. True, if the administrator can post in the channel; channels only
can_post_messages bool
// can_edit_messages Optional. True, if the administrator can edit messages of other users and can pin messages; channels only
can_edit_messages bool
// can_pin_messages Optional. True, if the user is allowed to pin messages; groups and supergroups only
can_pin_messages bool
// can_post_stories Optional. True, if the administrator can post stories in the channel; channels only
can_post_stories bool
// can_edit_stories Optional. True, if the administrator can edit stories posted by other users; channels only
can_edit_stories bool
// can_delete_stories Optional. True, if the administrator can delete stories posted by other users; channels only
can_delete_stories bool
// can_manage_topics Optional. True, if the user is allowed to create, rename, close, and reopen forum topics; supergroups only
can_manage_topics bool
ChatAdministratorRights Represents the rights of an administrator in a chat.
struct ChatInviteLink #
struct ChatInviteLink {
// invite_link The invite link. If the link was created by another chat administrator, then the second part of the link will be replaced with “…”.
invite_link string
// creator Creator of the link
creator User
// creates_join_request True, if users joining the chat via the link need to be approved by chat administrators
creates_join_request bool
// is_primary True, if the link is primary
is_primary bool
// is_revoked True, if the link is revoked
is_revoked bool
// name Optional. Invite link name
name string
// expire_date Optional. Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire or has been expired
expire_date int
// member_limit Optional. The maximum number of users that can be members of the chat simultaneously after joining the chat via this invite link; 1-99999
member_limit int
// pending_join_request_count Optional. Number of pending join requests created using this link
pending_join_request_count int
ChatInviteLink Represents an invite link for a chat.
struct ChatJoinRequest #
struct ChatJoinRequest {
// chat Chat to which the request was sent
chat Chat
// from User that sent the join request
from User
// user_chat_id Identifier of a private chat with the user who sent the join request. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it.
// But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
// The bot can use this identifier for 24 hours to send messages until the join request is processed, assuming no other administrator contacted the user.
user_chat_id i64
// date Date the request was sent in Unix time
date int
// bio Optional. Bio of the user.
bio string
// invite_link Optional. Chat invite link that was used by the user to send the join request
invite_link ChatInviteLink
ChatJoinRequest Represents a join request sent to a chat.
struct ChatLocation #
struct ChatLocation {
// location The location to which the supergroup is connected. Can't be a live location.
location Location
// address Location address; 1-64 characters, as defined by the chat owner
address string
ChatLocation Represents a location to which a chat is connected.
struct ChatMember #
struct ChatMember {
// ChatMemberOwner
// status The member's status in the chat, always “creator”
status string
// user Information about the user
user User
// is_anonymous True, if the user's presence in the chat is hidden
is_anonymous bool
// custom_title Optional. Custom title for this user
custom_title string
// ChatMemberAdministrator
// status The member's status in the chat, always “administrator”
// status string
// user Information about the user
// user User
// can_be_edited True, if the bot is allowed to edit administrator privileges of that user
can_be_edited bool
// is_anonymous True, if the user's presence in the chat is hidden
// is_anonymous bool
// can_manage_chat True, if the administrator can access the chat event log, chat statistics, message statistics in channels, see channel members, see anonymous administrators in supergroups and ignore slow mode. Implied by any other administrator privilege
can_manage_chat bool
// can_delete_messages True, if the administrator can delete messages of other users
can_delete_messages bool
// can_manage_video_chats True, if the administrator can manage video chats
can_manage_video_chats bool
// can_restrict_members True, if the administrator can restrict, ban or unban chat members
can_restrict_members bool
// can_promote_members True, if the administrator can add new administrators with a subset of their own privileges or demote administrators that he has promoted, directly or indirectly (promoted by administrators that were appointed by the user)
can_promote_members bool
// can_change_info True, if the user is allowed to change the chat title, photo and other settings
can_change_info bool
// can_invite_users True, if the user is allowed to invite new users to the chat
can_invite_users bool
// can_post_messages Optional. True, if the administrator can post in the channel; channels only
can_post_messages bool
// can_edit_messages Optional. True, if the administrator can edit messages of other users and can pin messages; channels only
can_edit_messages bool
// can_pin_messages Optional. True, if the user is allowed to pin messages; groups and supergroups only
can_pin_messages bool
// can_manage_topics Optional. True, if the user is allowed to create, rename, close, and reopen forum topics; supergroups only
can_manage_topics bool
// custom_title Optional. Custom title for this user
// custom_title string
// ChatMemberMember
// status The member's status in the chat, always “member”
// status string
// user Information about the user
// user User
// ChatMemberRestricted
// status The member's status in the chat, always “restricted”
// status string
// user Information about the user
// user User
// is_member True, if the user is a member of the chat at the moment of the request
is_member bool
// can_change_info True, if the user is allowed to change the chat title, photo and other settings
// can_change_info bool
// can_invite_users True, if the user is allowed to invite new users to the chat
// can_invite_users bool
// can_pin_messages True, if the user is allowed to pin messages
// can_pin_messages bool
// can_manage_topics True, if the user is allowed to create forum topics
// can_manage_topics bool
// can_send_messages True, if the user is allowed to send text messages, contacts, locations and venues
can_send_messages bool
// can_send_audios True, if the user is allowed to send audios
can_send_audios bool
// can_send_documents True, if the user is allowed to send documents
can_send_documents bool
// can_send_photos True, if the user is allowed to send photos
can_send_photos bool
// can_send_videos True, if the user is allowed to send videos
can_send_videos bool
// can_send_video_notes True, if the user is allowed to send video notes
can_send_video_notes bool
// can_send_voice_notes True, if the user is allowed to send voice notes
can_send_voice_notes bool
// can_send_polls True, if the user is allowed to send polls
can_send_polls bool
// can_send_other_messages True, if the user is allowed to send animations, games, stickers and use inline bots
can_send_other_messages bool
// can_add_web_page_previews True, if the user is allowed to add web page previews to their messages
can_add_web_page_previews bool
// until_date Date when restrictions will be lifted for this user; unix time. If 0, then the user is restricted forever
// until_date int
// ChatMemberLeft
// status The member's status in the chat, always “left”
// status string
// user Information about the user
// user User
// ChatMemberBanned
// status The member's status in the chat, always “kicked”
// status string
// user Information about the user
// user User
// until_date Date when restrictions will be lifted for this user; unix time. If 0, then the user is banned forever
until_date int
ChatMember - combined structs of all member roles, so that the V's json package can decode it can be handled by 'status' value This object contains information about one member of a chat. Currently, the following 6 types of chat members are supported: ChatMemberOwner ChatMemberAdministrator ChatMemberMember ChatMemberRestricted ChatMemberLeft ChatMemberBanned https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#chatmember
struct ChatMemberAdministrator #
struct ChatMemberAdministrator {
// status The member's status in the chat, always “administrator”
status string
// user Information about the user
user User
// can_be_edited True, if the bot is allowed to edit administrator privileges of that user
can_be_edited bool
// is_anonymous True, if the user's presence in the chat is hidden
is_anonymous bool
// can_manage_chat True, if the administrator can access the chat event log, chat statistics, message statistics in channels, see channel members, see anonymous administrators in supergroups and ignore slow mode. Implied by any other administrator privilege
can_manage_chat bool
// can_delete_messages True, if the administrator can delete messages of other users
can_delete_messages bool
// can_manage_video_chats True, if the administrator can manage video chats
can_manage_video_chats bool
// can_restrict_members True, if the administrator can restrict, ban or unban chat members
can_restrict_members bool
// can_promote_members True, if the administrator can add new administrators with a subset of their own privileges or demote administrators that he has promoted, directly or indirectly (promoted by administrators that were appointed by the user)
can_promote_members bool
// can_change_info True, if the user is allowed to change the chat title, photo and other settings
can_change_info bool
// can_invite_users True, if the user is allowed to invite new users to the chat
can_invite_users bool
// can_post_messages Optional. True, if the administrator can post in the channel; channels only
can_post_messages bool
// can_edit_messages Optional. True, if the administrator can edit messages of other users and can pin messages; channels only
can_edit_messages bool
// can_pin_messages Optional. True, if the user is allowed to pin messages; groups and supergroups only
can_pin_messages bool
// can_post_stories Optional. True, if the administrator can post stories in the channel; channels only
can_post_stories bool
// can_edit_stories Optional. True, if the administrator can edit stories posted by other users; channels only
can_edit_stories bool
// can_delete_stories Optional. True, if the administrator can delete stories posted by other users; channels only
can_delete_stories bool
// can_manage_topics Optional. True, if the user is allowed to create, rename, close, and reopen forum topics; supergroups only
can_manage_topics bool
// custom_title Optional. Custom title for this user
custom_title string
ChatMemberAdministrator Represents a chat member that has some additional privileges.
struct ChatMemberBanned #
struct ChatMemberBanned {
// status The member's status in the chat, always “kicked”
status string
// user Information about the user
user User
// until_date Date when restrictions will be lifted for this user; unix time. If 0, then the user is banned forever
until_date int
ChatMemberBanned Represents a chat member that was banned in the chat and can't return to the chat or view chat messages.
struct ChatMemberLeft #
struct ChatMemberLeft {
// status The member's status in the chat, always “left”
status string
// user Information about the user
user User
ChatMemberLeft Represents a chat member that isn't currently a member of the chat, but may join it themselves.
struct ChatMemberMember #
struct ChatMemberMember {
// status The member's status in the chat, always “member”
status string
// user Information about the user
user User
ChatMemberMember Represents a chat member that has no additional privileges or restrictions.
struct ChatMemberOwner #
struct ChatMemberOwner {
// status The member's status in the chat, always “creator”
status string
// user Information about the user
user User
// is_anonymous True, if the user's presence in the chat is hidden
is_anonymous bool
// custom_title Optional. Custom title for this user
custom_title string
ChatMemberOwner Represents a chat member that owns the chat and has all administrator privileges.
struct ChatMemberRestricted #
struct ChatMemberRestricted {
// status The member's status in the chat, always “restricted”
status string
// user Information about the user
user User
// is_member True, if the user is a member of the chat at the moment of the request
is_member bool
// can_change_info True, if the user is allowed to change the chat title, photo and other settings
can_change_info bool
// can_invite_users True, if the user is allowed to invite new users to the chat
can_invite_users bool
// can_pin_messages True, if the user is allowed to pin messages
can_pin_messages bool
// can_manage_topics True, if the user is allowed to create forum topics
can_manage_topics bool
// can_send_messages True, if the user is allowed to send text messages, contacts, locations and venues
can_send_messages bool
// can_send_audios True, if the user is allowed to send audios
can_send_audios bool
// can_send_documents True, if the user is allowed to send documents
can_send_documents bool
// can_send_photos True, if the user is allowed to send photos
can_send_photos bool
// can_send_videos True, if the user is allowed to send videos
can_send_videos bool
// can_send_video_notes True, if the user is allowed to send video notes
can_send_video_notes bool
// can_send_voice_notes True, if the user is allowed to send voice notes
can_send_voice_notes bool
// can_send_polls True, if the user is allowed to send polls
can_send_polls bool
// can_send_other_messages True, if the user is allowed to send animations, games, stickers and use inline bots
can_send_other_messages bool
// can_add_web_page_previews True, if the user is allowed to add web page previews to their messages
can_add_web_page_previews bool
// until_date Date when restrictions will be lifted for this user; unix time. If 0, then the user is restricted forever
until_date int
ChatMemberRestricted Represents a chat member that is under certain restrictions in the chat. Supergroups only.
struct ChatMemberUpdated #
struct ChatMemberUpdated {
// chat Chat the user belongs to
chat Chat
// from Performer of the action, which resulted in the change
from User
// date Date the change was done in Unix time
date int
// old_chat_member Previous information about the chat member
old_chat_member ChatMember
// new_chat_member New information about the chat member
new_chat_member ChatMember
// invite_link Optional. Chat invite link, which was used by the user to join the chat; for joining by invite link events only.
invite_link ChatInviteLink
// via_chat_folder_invite_link Optional. True, if the user joined the chat via a chat folder invite link
via_chat_folder_invite_link bool
ChatMemberUpdated This object represents changes in the status of a chat member.
struct ChatPermissions #
struct ChatPermissions {
// can_send_messages Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send text messages, contacts, locations and venues
can_send_messages bool
// can_send_audios Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send audios
can_send_audios bool
// can_send_documents Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send documents
can_send_documents bool
// can_send_photos Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send photos
can_send_photos bool
// can_send_videos Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send videos
can_send_videos bool
// can_send_video_notes Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send video notes
can_send_video_notes bool
// can_send_voice_notes Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send voice notes
can_send_voice_notes bool
// can_send_polls Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send polls, implies can_send_messages
can_send_polls bool
// can_send_other_messages Optional. True, if the user is allowed to send animations, games, stickers and use inline bots, implies can_send_media_messages
can_send_other_messages bool
// can_add_web_page_previews Optional. True, if the user is allowed to add web page previews to their messages, implies can_send_media_messages
can_add_web_page_previews bool
// can_change_info Optional. True, if the user is allowed to change the chat title, photo and other settings. Ignored in public supergroups
can_change_info bool
// can_invite_users Optional. True, if the user is allowed to invite new users to the chat
can_invite_users bool
// can_pin_messages Optional. True, if the user is allowed to pin messages. Ignored in public supergroups
can_pin_messages bool
// can_manage_topics Optional. True, if the user is allowed to create forum topics. If omitted defaults to the value of can_pin_messages
can_manage_topics bool
ChatPermissions Describes actions that a non-administrator user is allowed to take in a chat.
struct ChatPhoto #
struct ChatPhoto {
// small_file_id File identifier of small (160x160) chat photo. This file_id can be used only for photo download and only for as long as the photo is not changed.
small_file_id string
// small_file_unique_id Unique file identifier of small (160x160) chat photo, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
small_file_unique_id string
// big_file_id File identifier of big (640x640) chat photo. This file_id can be used only for photo download and only for as long as the photo is not changed.
big_file_id string
// big_file_unique_id Unique file identifier of big (640x640) chat photo, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
big_file_unique_id string
ChatPhoto This object represents a chat photo.
struct ChosenInlineResult #
struct ChosenInlineResult {
// result_id The unique identifier for the result that was chosen
result_id string
// from The user that chose the result
from User
// location Optional. Sender location, only for bots that require user location
location Location
// inline_message_id Optional. Identifier of the sent inline message. Available only if there is an inline keyboard attached to the message. Will be also received in callback queries and can be used to edit the message.
inline_message_id string
// query The query that was used to obtain the result
query string
ChosenInlineResult Represents a result of an inline query that was chosen by the user and sent to their chat partner.
struct Close #
struct Close {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// text Text of the message to be sent, 1-4096 characters after entities parsing
text string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the message text. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
entities []MessageEntity
// disable_web_page_preview Disables link previews for links in this message
disable_web_page_preview bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct CloseForumTopic #
struct CloseForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread of the forum topic
message_thread_id int
struct CloseGeneralForumTopic #
struct CloseGeneralForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
struct Contact #
struct Contact {
// phone_number Contact's phone number
phone_number string
// first_name Contact's first name
first_name string
// last_name Optional. Contact's last name
last_name string
// user_id Optional. Contact's user identifier in Telegram. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
user_id i64
// vcard Optional. Additional data about the contact in the form of a vCard
vcard string
Contact This object represents a phone contact.
struct CopyMessage #
struct CopyMessage {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// from_chat_id Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent (or channel username in the format @channelusername)
from_chat_id int
// message_id Message identifier in the chat specified in from_chat_id
message_id int
// caption New caption for media, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing. If not specified, the original caption is kept
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the new caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the new caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct CreateChatInviteLink #
struct CreateChatInviteLink {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// name Invite link name; 0-32 characters
name string
// expire_date Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire
expire_date int
// member_limit The maximum number of users that can be members of the chat simultaneously after joining the chat via this invite link; 1-99999
member_limit int
// creates_join_request True, if users joining the chat via the link need to be approved by chat administrators. If True, member_limit can't be specified
creates_join_request bool
struct CreateForumTopic #
struct CreateForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// name Topic name, 1-128 characters
name string
// icon_color Color of the topic icon in RGB format. Currently, must be one of 7322096 (0x6FB9F0), 16766590 (0xFFD67E), 13338331 (0xCB86DB), 9367192 (0x8EEE98), 16749490 (0xFF93B2), or 16478047 (0xFB6F5F)
icon_color int
// icon_custom_emoji_id Unique identifier of the custom emoji shown as the topic icon. Use getForumTopicIconStickers to get all allowed custom emoji identifiers.
icon_custom_emoji_id string
struct CreateInvoiceLink #
struct CreateInvoiceLink {
// title Product name, 1-32 characters
title string
// description Product description, 1-255 characters
description string
// payload Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.
payload string
// provider_token Payment provider token, obtained via BotFather
provider_token string
// currency Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies
currency string
// prices Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)
prices []LabeledPrice
// max_tip_amount The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0
max_tip_amount int
// suggested_tip_amounts A JSON-serialized array of suggested amounts of tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed max_tip_amount.
suggested_tip_amounts []int
// provider_data JSON-serialized data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of required fields should be provided by the payment provider.
provider_data string
// photo_url URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service.
photo_url string
// photo_size Photo size in bytes
photo_size int
// photo_width Photo width
photo_width int
// photo_height Photo height
photo_height int
// need_name Pass True if you require the user's full name to complete the order
need_name bool
// need_phone_number Pass True if you require the user's phone number to complete the order
need_phone_number bool
// need_email Pass True if you require the user's email address to complete the order
need_email bool
// need_shipping_address Pass True if you require the user's shipping address to complete the order
need_shipping_address bool
// send_phone_number_to_provider Pass True if the user's phone number should be sent to the provider
send_phone_number_to_provider bool
// send_email_to_provider Pass True if the user's email address should be sent to the provider
send_email_to_provider bool
// is_flexible Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method
is_flexible bool
struct CreateNewStickerSet #
struct CreateNewStickerSet {
// user_id User identifier of created sticker set owner
user_id i64
// name Short name of sticker set, to be used in t.me/addstickers/ URLs (e.g., animals). Can contain only English letters, digits and underscores. Must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in "_by_". is case insensitive. 1-64 characters.
name string
// title Sticker set title, 1-64 characters
title string
// stickers A JSON-serialized list of 1-50 initial stickers to be added to the sticker set
stickers []InputSticker
// sticker_format Format of stickers in the set, must be one of “static”, “animated”, “video”
sticker_format string
// sticker_type Type of stickers in the set, pass “regular”, “mask”, or “custom_emoji”. By default, a regular sticker set is created.
sticker_type string [omitempty] // Optional
// needs_repainting Pass True if stickers in the sticker set must be repainted to the color of text when used in messages, the accent color if used as emoji status, white on chat photos, or another appropriate color based on context; for custom emoji sticker sets only
needs_repainting bool [omitempty] // Optional
struct DeclineChatJoinRequest #
struct DeclineChatJoinRequest {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
struct DeleteChatPhoto #
struct DeleteChatPhoto {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
struct DeleteChatStickerSet #
struct DeleteChatStickerSet {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
struct DeleteForumTopic #
struct DeleteForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread of the forum topic
message_thread_id int
struct DeleteMessage #
struct DeleteMessage {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Identifier of the message to delete
message_id int
struct DeleteMyCommands #
struct DeleteMyCommands {
// scope A JSON-serialized object, describing scope of users for which the commands are relevant. Defaults to BotCommandScopeDefault.
scope BotCommandScope
// language_code A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, commands will be applied to all users from the given scope, for whose language there are no dedicated commands
language_code string
struct DeleteStickerFromSet #
struct DeleteStickerFromSet {
// sticker File identifier of the sticker
sticker string
struct DeleteStickerSet #
struct DeleteStickerSet {
pub mut:
// name Sticker set name
name string
struct DeleteWebhook #
struct DeleteWebhook {
struct Dice #
struct Dice {
// emoji Emoji on which the dice throw animation is based
emoji string
// value Value of the dice, 1-6 for “”, “” and “” base emoji, 1-5 for “” and “” base emoji, 1-64 for “” base emoji
value int
Dice This object represents an animated emoji that displays a random value.
struct Document #
struct Document {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// thumbnail Optional. Document thumbnail as defined by sender
thumbnail PhotoSize
// file_name Optional. Original filename as defined by sender
file_name string
// mime_type Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender
mime_type string
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
file_size i64
Document This object represents a general file (as opposed to photos, voice messages and audio files).
struct EditChatInviteLink #
struct EditChatInviteLink {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// invite_link The invite link to edit
invite_link string
// name Invite link name; 0-32 characters
name string
// expire_date Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire
expire_date int
// member_limit The maximum number of users that can be members of the chat simultaneously after joining the chat via this invite link; 1-99999
member_limit int
// creates_join_request True, if users joining the chat via the link need to be approved by chat administrators. If True, member_limit can't be specified
creates_join_request bool
struct EditForumTopic #
struct EditForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread of the forum topic
message_thread_id int
// name New topic name, 0-128 characters. If not specified or empty, the current name of the topic will be kept
name string
// icon_custom_emoji_id New unique identifier of the custom emoji shown as the topic icon. Use getForumTopicIconStickers to get all allowed custom emoji identifiers. Pass an empty string to remove the icon. If not specified, the current icon will be kept
icon_custom_emoji_id string
struct EditGeneralForumTopic #
struct EditGeneralForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// name New topic name, 1-128 characters
name string
struct EditMessageCaption #
struct EditMessageCaption {
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the message to edit
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
// caption New caption of the message, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the message caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct EditMessageLiveLocation #
struct EditMessageLiveLocation {
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the message to edit
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
// latitude Latitude of new location
latitude f32
// longitude Longitude of new location
longitude f32
// horizontal_accuracy The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500
horizontal_accuracy f32
// heading Direction in which the user is moving, in degrees. Must be between 1 and 360 if specified.
heading int
// proximity_alert_radius The maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. Must be between 1 and 100000 if specified.
proximity_alert_radius int
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for a new inline keyboard.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct EditMessageMedia #
struct EditMessageMedia {
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the message to edit
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
// media A JSON-serialized object for a new media content of the message
media InputMedia
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for a new inline keyboard.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct EditMessageReplyMarkup #
struct EditMessageReplyMarkup {
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the message to edit
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct EditMessageText #
struct EditMessageText {
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the message to edit
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
// text New text of the message, 1-4096 characters after entities parsing
text string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the message text. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
entities []MessageEntity
// disable_web_page_preview Disables link previews for links in this message
disable_web_page_preview bool
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct EncryptedCredentials #
struct EncryptedCredentials {
// data Base64-encoded encrypted JSON-serialized data with unique user's payload, data hashes and secrets required for EncryptedPassportElement decryption and authentication
data string
// hash Base64-encoded data hash for data authentication
hash string
// secret Base64-encoded secret, encrypted with the bot's public RSA key, required for data decryption
secret string
EncryptedCredentials Describes data required for decrypting and authenticating EncryptedPassportElement. See the Telegram Passport Documentation for a complete description of the data decryption and authentication processes.
struct EncryptedPassportElement #
struct EncryptedPassportElement {
// type Element type. One of “personal_details”, “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”, “address”, “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration”, “temporary_registration”, “phone_number”, “email”.
@type string
// data Optional. Base64-encoded encrypted Telegram Passport element data provided by the user, available for “personal_details”, “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport” and “address” types. Can be decrypted and verified using the accompanying EncryptedCredentials.
data string
// phone_number Optional. User's verified phone number, available only for “phone_number” type
phone_number string
// email Optional. User's verified email address, available only for “email” type
email string
// files Optional. Array of encrypted files with documents provided by the user, available for “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration” and “temporary_registration” types. Files can be decrypted and verified using the accompanying EncryptedCredentials.
files []PassportFile
// front_side Optional. Encrypted file with the front side of the document, provided by the user. Available for “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card” and “internal_passport”. The file can be decrypted and verified using the accompanying EncryptedCredentials.
front_side PassportFile
// reverse_side Optional. Encrypted file with the reverse side of the document, provided by the user. Available for “driver_license” and “identity_card”. The file can be decrypted and verified using the accompanying EncryptedCredentials.
reverse_side PassportFile
// selfie Optional. Encrypted file with the selfie of the user holding a document, provided by the user; available for “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card” and “internal_passport”. The file can be decrypted and verified using the accompanying EncryptedCredentials.
selfie PassportFile
// translation Optional. Array of encrypted files with translated versions of documents provided by the user. Available if requested for “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”, “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration” and “temporary_registration” types. Files can be decrypted and verified using the accompanying EncryptedCredentials.
translation []PassportFile
// hash Base64-encoded element hash for using in PassportElementErrorUnspecified
hash string
EncryptedPassportElement Describes documents or other Telegram Passport elements shared with the bot by the user.
struct ExportChatInviteLink #
struct ExportChatInviteLink {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
struct File #
struct File {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
file_size i64
// file_path Optional. File path. Use https://api.telegram.org/file/bot/ to get the file.
file_path string
File This object represents a file ready to be downloaded. The file can be downloaded via the link https://api.telegram.org/file/bot
struct ForceReply #
struct ForceReply {
// force_reply Shows reply interface to the user, as if they manually selected the bot's message and tapped 'Reply'
force_reply bool
// input_field_placeholder Optional. The placeholder to be shown in the input field when the reply is active; 1-64 characters
input_field_placeholder string
// selective Optional. Use this parameter if you want to force reply from specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has reply_to_message_id), sender of the original message.
selective bool
ForceReply Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will display a reply interface to the user (act as if the user has selected the bot's message and tapped 'Reply'). This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.
struct ForumTopic #
struct ForumTopic {
// message_thread_id Unique identifier of the forum topic
message_thread_id int
// name Name of the topic
name string
// icon_color Color of the topic icon in RGB format
icon_color int
// icon_custom_emoji_id Optional. Unique identifier of the custom emoji shown as the topic icon
icon_custom_emoji_id string
ForumTopic This object represents a forum topic.
struct ForumTopicClosed #
struct ForumTopicClosed {
ForumTopicClosed This object represents a service message about a forum topic closed in the chat. Currently holds no information.
struct ForumTopicCreated #
struct ForumTopicCreated {
// name Name of the topic
name string
// icon_color Color of the topic icon in RGB format
icon_color int
// icon_custom_emoji_id Optional. Unique identifier of the custom emoji shown as the topic icon
icon_custom_emoji_id string
ForumTopicCreated This object represents a service message about a new forum topic created in the chat.
struct ForumTopicEdited #
struct ForumTopicEdited {
// name Optional. New name of the topic, if it was edited
name string
// icon_custom_emoji_id Optional. New identifier of the custom emoji shown as the topic icon, if it was edited; an empty string if the icon was removed
icon_custom_emoji_id string
ForumTopicEdited This object represents a service message about an edited forum topic.
struct ForumTopicReopened #
struct ForumTopicReopened {
ForumTopicReopened This object represents a service message about a forum topic reopened in the chat. Currently holds no information.
struct ForwardMessage #
struct ForwardMessage {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// from_chat_id Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent (or channel username in the format @channelusername)
from_chat_id int
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the forwarded message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// message_id Message identifier in the chat specified in from_chat_id
message_id int
struct Game #
struct Game {
// title Title of the game
title string
// description Description of the game
description string
// photo Photo that will be displayed in the game message in chats.
photo []PhotoSize
// text Optional. Brief description of the game or high scores included in the game message. Can be automatically edited to include current high scores for the game when the bot calls setGameScore, or manually edited using editMessageText. 0-4096 characters.
text string
// text_entities Optional. Special entities that appear in text, such as usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc.
text_entities []MessageEntity
// animation Optional. Animation that will be displayed in the game message in chats. Upload via BotFather
animation Animation
Game This object represents a game. Use BotFather to create and edit games, their short names will act as unique identifiers.
struct GameHighScore #
struct GameHighScore {
// position Position in high score table for the game
position int
// user User
user User
// score Score
score int
GameHighScore This object represents one row of the high scores table for a game.
struct GeneralForumTopicHidden #
struct GeneralForumTopicHidden {
GeneralForumTopicHidden This object represents a service message about General forum topic hidden in the chat. Currently holds no information.
struct GetChat #
struct GetChat {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup or channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
struct GetChatAdministrators #
struct GetChatAdministrators {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup or channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
struct GetChatMember #
struct GetChatMember {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup or channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
struct GetChatMemberCount #
struct GetChatMemberCount {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup or channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
struct GetChatMenuButton #
struct GetChatMenuButton {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target private chat. If not specified, default bot's menu button will be returned
chat_id i64
struct GetCustomEmojiStickers #
struct GetCustomEmojiStickers {
// custom_emoji_ids List of custom emoji identifiers. At most 200 custom emoji identifiers can be specified.
custom_emoji_ids []string
struct GetFile #
struct GetFile {
// file_id File identifier to get information about
file_id string
struct GetForumTopicIconStickers #
struct GetForumTopicIconStickers {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// name Topic name, 1-128 characters
name string
// icon_color Color of the topic icon in RGB format. Currently, must be one of 7322096 (0x6FB9F0), 16766590 (0xFFD67E), 13338331 (0xCB86DB), 9367192 (0x8EEE98), 16749490 (0xFF93B2), or 16478047 (0xFB6F5F)
icon_color int
// icon_custom_emoji_id Unique identifier of the custom emoji shown as the topic icon. Use getForumTopicIconStickers to get all allowed custom emoji identifiers.
icon_custom_emoji_id string
struct GetGameHighScores #
struct GetGameHighScores {
// user_id Target user id
user_id int
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the sent message
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
struct GetMyCommands #
struct GetMyCommands {
// scope Optional A JSON-serialized object, describing scope of users. Defaults to BotCommandScopeDefault.
scope BotCommandScope
// language_code Optional A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or an empty string
language_code string
struct GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights #
struct GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights {
// for_channels Pass True to get default administrator rights of the bot in channels. Otherwise, default administrator rights of the bot for groups and supergroups will be returned.
for_channels bool
struct GetMyDescription #
struct GetMyDescription {
pub mut:
// language_code Optional A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or an empty string
language_code ?string
struct GetMyName #
struct GetMyName {
// language_code Optional A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or an empty string
language_code string
struct GetMyShortDescription #
struct GetMyShortDescription {
pub mut:
// language_code Optional A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or an empty string
language_code ?string
struct GetStickerSet #
struct GetStickerSet {
// name Name of the sticker set
name string
struct GetUpdates #
struct GetUpdates {
pub mut:
// offset Identifier of the first update to be returned. Must be greater by one than the highest among the identifiers of previously received updates. By default, updates starting with the earliest unconfirmed update are returned. An update is considered confirmed as soon as getUpdates is called with an offset higher than its update_id. The negative offset can be specified to retrieve updates starting from -offset update from the end of the updates queue. All previous updates will forgotten.
offset int
// limit Limits the number of updates to be retrieved. Values between 1-100 are accepted. Defaults to 100.
limit int = 100
// timeout Timeout in seconds for long polling. Defaults to 0, i.e. usual short polling. Should be positive, short polling should be used for testing purposes only.
timeout int
// allowed_updates A JSON-serialized list of the update types you want your bot to receive. For example, specify [“message”, “edited_channel_post”, “callback_query”] to only receive updates of these types. See Update for a complete list of available update types. Specify an empty list to receive all update types except chat_member (default). If not specified, the previous setting will be used.
// Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created before the call to the getUpdates, so unwanted updates may be received for a short period of time.
allowed_updates []string
struct GetUserProfilePhotos #
struct GetUserProfilePhotos {
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
// offset Sequential number of the first photo to be returned. By default, all photos are returned.
offset int
// limit Limits the number of photos to be retrieved. Values between 1-100 are accepted. Defaults to 100.
limit int
struct GetWebhookInfo #
struct GetWebhookInfo {
struct HideGeneralForumTopic #
struct HideGeneralForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
struct InlineKeyboardButton #
struct InlineKeyboardButton {
pub mut:
// text Label text on the button
text string
// url Optional. HTTP or tg:// URL to be opened when the button is pressed. Links tg://user?id= can be used to mention a user by their ID without using a username, if this is allowed by their privacy settings.
url string
// callback_data Optional. Data to be sent in a callback query to the bot when button is pressed, 1-64 bytes
callback_data string
// web_app Optional. Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery. Available only in private chats between a user and the bot.
web_app WebAppInfo
// login_url Optional. An HTTPS URL used to automatically authorize the user. Can be used as a replacement for the Telegram Login Widget.
login_url LoginUrl
// switch_inline_query Optional. If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot's username and the specified inline query in the input field. May be empty, in which case just the bot's username will be inserted. Note: This offers an easy way for users to start using your bot in inline mode when they are currently in a private chat with it.
// Especially useful when combined with switch_pm… actions - in this case the user will be automatically returned to the chat they switched from, skipping the chat selection screen.
switch_inline_query string
// switch_inline_query_current_chat Optional. If set, pressing the button will insert the bot's username and the specified inline query in the current chat's input field. May be empty, in which case only the bot's username will be inserted. This offers a quick way for the user to open your bot in inline mode in the same chat - good for selecting something from multiple options.
switch_inline_query_current_chat string
// switch_inline_query_chosen_chat Optional. If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats of the specified type, open that chat and insert the bot's username and the specified inline query in the input field
switch_inline_query_chosen_chat SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat
// callback_game Optional. Description of the game that will be launched when the user presses the button. NOTE: This type of button must always be the first button in the first row.
callback_game CallbackGame
// pay Optional. Specify True, to send a Pay button. NOTE: This type of button must always be the first button in the first row and can only be used in invoice messages.
pay bool
InlineKeyboardButton This object represents one button of an inline keyboard. You must use exactly one of the optional fields.
struct InlineKeyboardMarkup #
struct InlineKeyboardMarkup {
pub mut:
// inline_keyboard Array of button rows, each represented by an Array of InlineKeyboardButton objects
inline_keyboard [][]InlineKeyboardButton
InlineKeyboardMarkup This object represents an inline keyboard that appears right next to the message it belongs to.
struct InlineQuery #
struct InlineQuery {
// id Unique identifier for this query
id string
// from Sender
from User
// query Text of the query (up to 256 characters)
query string
// offset Offset of the results to be returned, can be controlled by the bot
offset string
// chat_type Optional. Type of the chat from which the inline query was sent. Can be either “sender” for a private chat with the inline query sender, “private”, “group”, “supergroup”, or “channel”. The chat type should be always known for requests sent from official clients and most third-party clients, unless the request was sent from a secret chat
chat_type string
// location Optional. Sender location, only for bots that request user location
location Location
InlineQuery This object represents an incoming inline query. When the user sends an empty query, your bot could return some default or trending results.
struct InlineQueryResultArticle #
struct InlineQueryResultArticle {
// type Type of the result, must be article
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 Bytes
id string
// title Title of the result
title string
// input_message_content Content of the message to be sent
input_message_content InputMessageContent
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// url Optional. URL of the result
url string
// hide_url Optional. Pass True if you don't want the URL to be shown in the message
hide_url bool
// description Optional. Short description of the result
description string
// thumbnail_url Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
thumbnail_url string
// thumbnail_width Optional. Thumbnail width
thumbnail_width int
// thumbnail_height Optional. Thumbnail height
thumbnail_height int
InlineQueryResultArticle Represents a link to an article or web page.
struct InlineQueryResultAudio #
struct InlineQueryResultAudio {
// type Type of the result, must be audio
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// audio_url A valid URL for the audio file
audio_url string
// title Title
title string
// caption Optional. Caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the audio caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// performer Optional. Performer
performer string
// audio_duration Optional. Audio duration in seconds
audio_duration int
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the audio
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultAudio Represents a link to an MP3 audio file. By default, this audio file will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the audio.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedAudio #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedAudio {
// type Type of the result, must be audio
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// audio_file_id A valid file identifier for the audio file
audio_file_id string
// caption Optional. Caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the audio caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the audio
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedAudio Represents a link to an MP3 audio file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this audio file will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the audio.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedDocument #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedDocument {
// type Type of the result, must be document
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// title Title for the result
title string
// document_file_id A valid file identifier for the file
document_file_id string
// description Optional. Short description of the result
description string
// caption Optional. Caption of the document to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the document caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the file
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedDocument Represents a link to a file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the file.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedGif #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedGif {
// type Type of the result, must be gif
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// gif_file_id A valid file identifier for the GIF file
gif_file_id string
// title Optional. Title for the result
title string
// caption Optional. Caption of the GIF file to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the GIF animation
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedGif Represents a link to an animated GIF file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this animated GIF file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with specified content instead of the animation.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif {
// type Type of the result, must be mpeg4_gif
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// mpeg4_file_id A valid file identifier for the MPEG4 file
mpeg4_file_id string
// title Optional. Title for the result
title string
// caption Optional. Caption of the MPEG-4 file to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the video animation
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif Represents a link to a video animation (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound) stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this animated MPEG-4 file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the animation.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto {
// type Type of the result, must be photo
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// photo_file_id A valid file identifier of the photo
photo_file_id string
// title Optional. Title for the result
title string
// description Optional. Short description of the result
description string
// caption Optional. Caption of the photo to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the photo caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the photo
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto Represents a link to a photo stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this photo will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedSticker #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedSticker {
// type Type of the result, must be sticker
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// sticker_file_id A valid file identifier of the sticker
sticker_file_id string
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the sticker
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedSticker Represents a link to a sticker stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this sticker will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the sticker.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedVideo #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedVideo {
// type Type of the result, must be video
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// video_file_id A valid file identifier for the video file
video_file_id string
// title Title for the result
title string
// description Optional. Short description of the result
description string
// caption Optional. Caption of the video to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the video caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the video
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedVideo Represents a link to a video file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this video file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the video.
struct InlineQueryResultCachedVoice #
struct InlineQueryResultCachedVoice {
// type Type of the result, must be voice
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// voice_file_id A valid file identifier for the voice message
voice_file_id string
// title Voice message title
title string
// caption Optional. Caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the voice message caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the voice message
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultCachedVoice Represents a link to a voice message stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this voice message will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the voice message.
struct InlineQueryResultContact #
struct InlineQueryResultContact {
// type Type of the result, must be contact
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 Bytes
id string
// phone_number Contact's phone number
phone_number string
// first_name Contact's first name
first_name string
// last_name Optional. Contact's last name
last_name string
// vcard Optional. Additional data about the contact in the form of a vCard, 0-2048 bytes
vcard string
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the contact
input_message_content InputMessageContent
// thumbnail_url Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
thumbnail_url string
// thumbnail_width Optional. Thumbnail width
thumbnail_width int
// thumbnail_height Optional. Thumbnail height
thumbnail_height int
InlineQueryResultContact Represents a contact with a phone number. By default, this contact will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the contact.
struct InlineQueryResultDocument #
struct InlineQueryResultDocument {
// type Type of the result, must be document
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// title Title for the result
title string
// caption Optional. Caption of the document to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the document caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// document_url A valid URL for the file
document_url string
// mime_type MIME type of the content of the file, either “application/pdf” or “application/zip”
mime_type string
// description Optional. Short description of the result
description string
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the file
input_message_content InputMessageContent
// thumbnail_url Optional. URL of the thumbnail (JPEG only) for the file
thumbnail_url string
// thumbnail_width Optional. Thumbnail width
thumbnail_width int
// thumbnail_height Optional. Thumbnail height
thumbnail_height int
InlineQueryResultDocument Represents a link to a file. By default, this file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the file. Currently, only .PDF and .ZIP files can be sent using this method.
struct InlineQueryResultGame #
struct InlineQueryResultGame {
// type Type of the result, must be game
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// game_short_name Short name of the game
game_short_name string
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
InlineQueryResultGame Represents a Game.
struct InlineQueryResultGif #
struct InlineQueryResultGif {
// type Type of the result, must be gif
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// gif_url A valid URL for the GIF file. File size must not exceed 1MB
gif_url string
// gif_width Optional. Width of the GIF
gif_width int
// gif_height Optional. Height of the GIF
gif_height int
// gif_duration Optional. Duration of the GIF in seconds
gif_duration int
// thumbnail_url URL of the static (JPEG or GIF) or animated (MPEG4) thumbnail for the result
thumbnail_url string
// thumbnail_mime_type Optional. MIME type of the thumbnail, must be one of “image/jpeg”, “image/gif”, or “video/mp4”. Defaults to “image/jpeg”
thumbnail_mime_type string
// title Optional. Title for the result
title string
// caption Optional. Caption of the GIF file to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the GIF animation
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultGif Represents a link to an animated GIF file. By default, this animated GIF file will be sent by the user with optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the animation.
struct InlineQueryResultLocation #
struct InlineQueryResultLocation {
// type Type of the result, must be location
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 Bytes
id string
// latitude Location latitude in degrees
latitude f32
// longitude Location longitude in degrees
longitude f32
// title Location title
title string
// horizontal_accuracy Optional. The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500
horizontal_accuracy f32
// live_period Optional. Period in seconds for which the location can be updated, should be between 60 and 86400.
live_period int
// heading Optional. For live locations, a direction in which the user is moving, in degrees. Must be between 1 and 360 if specified.
heading int
// proximity_alert_radius Optional. For live locations, a maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. Must be between 1 and 100000 if specified.
proximity_alert_radius int
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the location
input_message_content InputMessageContent
// thumbnail_url Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
thumbnail_url string
// thumbnail_width Optional. Thumbnail width
thumbnail_width int
// thumbnail_height Optional. Thumbnail height
thumbnail_height int
InlineQueryResultLocation Represents a location on a map. By default, the location will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the location.
struct InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif #
struct InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif {
// type Type of the result, must be mpeg4_gif
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// mpeg4_url A valid URL for the MPEG4 file. File size must not exceed 1MB
mpeg4_url string
// mpeg4_width Optional. Video width
mpeg4_width int
// mpeg4_height Optional. Video height
mpeg4_height int
// mpeg4_duration Optional. Video duration in seconds
mpeg4_duration int
// thumbnail_url URL of the static (JPEG or GIF) or animated (MPEG4) thumbnail for the result
thumbnail_url string
// thumbnail_mime_type Optional. MIME type of the thumbnail, must be one of “image/jpeg”, “image/gif”, or “video/mp4”. Defaults to “image/jpeg”
thumbnail_mime_type string
// title Optional. Title for the result
title string
// caption Optional. Caption of the MPEG-4 file to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the video animation
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif Represents a link to a video animation (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). By default, this animated MPEG-4 file will be sent by the user with optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the animation.
struct InlineQueryResultPhoto #
struct InlineQueryResultPhoto {
// type Type of the result, must be photo
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// photo_url A valid URL of the photo. Photo must be in JPEG format. Photo size must not exceed 5MB
photo_url string
// thumbnail_url URL of the thumbnail for the photo
thumbnail_url string
// photo_width Optional. Width of the photo
photo_width int
// photo_height Optional. Height of the photo
photo_height int
// title Optional. Title for the result
title string
// description Optional. Short description of the result
description string
// caption Optional. Caption of the photo to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the photo caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the photo
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultPhoto Represents a link to a photo. By default, this photo will be sent by the user with optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo.
struct InlineQueryResultsButton #
struct InlineQueryResultsButton {
// text Label text on the button
text string
// web_app Optional. Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to switch back to the inline mode using the method switchInlineQuery inside the Web App.
web_app WebAppInfo
// start_parameter Optional. Deep-linking parameter for the /start message sent to the bot when a user presses the button. 1-64 characters, only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed.
// Example: An inline bot that sends YouTube videos can ask the user to connect the bot to their YouTube account to adapt search results accordingly. To do this, it displays a 'Connect your YouTube account' button above the results, or even before showing any. The user presses the button, switches to a private chat with the bot and, in doing so, passes a start parameter that instructs the bot to return an OAuth link. Once done, the bot can offer a switch_inline button so that the user can easily return to the chat where they wanted to use the bot's inline capabilities.
start_parameter string
This object represents a button to be shown above inline query results. You must use exactly one of the optional fields.
struct InlineQueryResultVenue #
struct InlineQueryResultVenue {
// type Type of the result, must be venue
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 Bytes
id string
// latitude Latitude of the venue location in degrees
latitude f32
// longitude Longitude of the venue location in degrees
longitude f32
// title Title of the venue
title string
// address Address of the venue
address string
// foursquare_id Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue if known
foursquare_id string
// foursquare_type Optional. Foursquare type of the venue, if known. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
foursquare_type string
// google_place_id Optional. Google Places identifier of the venue
google_place_id string
// google_place_type Optional. Google Places type of the venue. (See supported types.)
google_place_type string
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the venue
input_message_content InputMessageContent
// thumbnail_url Optional. Url of the thumbnail for the result
thumbnail_url string
// thumbnail_width Optional. Thumbnail width
thumbnail_width int
// thumbnail_height Optional. Thumbnail height
thumbnail_height int
InlineQueryResultVenue Represents a venue. By default, the venue will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the venue.
struct InlineQueryResultVideo #
struct InlineQueryResultVideo {
// type Type of the result, must be video
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// video_url A valid URL for the embedded video player or video file
video_url string
// mime_type MIME type of the content of the video URL, “text/html” or “video/mp4”
mime_type string
// thumbnail_url URL of the thumbnail (JPEG only) for the video
thumbnail_url string
// title Title for the result
title string
// caption Optional. Caption of the video to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the video caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// video_width Optional. Video width
video_width int
// video_height Optional. Video height
video_height int
// video_duration Optional. Video duration in seconds
video_duration int
// description Optional. Short description of the result
description string
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the video. This field is required if InlineQueryResultVideo is used to send an HTML-page as a result (e.g., a YouTube video).
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultVideo Represents a link to a page containing an embedded video player or a video file. By default, this video file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the video.
struct InlineQueryResultVoice #
struct InlineQueryResultVoice {
// type Type of the result, must be voice
@type string
// id Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes
id string
// voice_url A valid URL for the voice recording
voice_url string
// title Recording title
title string
// caption Optional. Caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the voice message caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// voice_duration Optional. Recording duration in seconds
voice_duration int
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
// input_message_content Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the voice recording
input_message_content InputMessageContent
InlineQueryResultVoice Represents a link to a voice recording in an .OGG container encoded with OPUS. By default, this voice recording will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the the voice message.
struct InputContactMessageContent #
struct InputContactMessageContent {
// phone_number Contact's phone number
phone_number string
// first_name Contact's first name
first_name string
// last_name Optional. Contact's last name
last_name string
// vcard Optional. Additional data about the contact in the form of a vCard, 0-2048 bytes
vcard string
InputContactMessageContent Represents the content of a contact message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
struct InputFile #
struct InputFile {
file_name string [json: '-']
file_content string [json: '-'; str: skip]
InputFile This object represents the contents of a file to be uploaded. Must be posted using multipart/form-data in the usual way that files are uploaded via the browser.
fn (InputFile) InputFile__static__new #
fn InputFile.new(path string) !InputFile
InputFile.new - opens and reads the file, saves content for sending. Used wherever file uploading is required.
struct InputInvoiceMessageContent #
struct InputInvoiceMessageContent {
// title Product name, 1-32 characters
title string
// description Product description, 1-255 characters
description string
// payload Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.
payload string
// provider_token Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather
provider_token string
// currency Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies
currency string
// prices Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)
prices []LabeledPrice
// max_tip_amount Optional. The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0
max_tip_amount int
// suggested_tip_amounts Optional. A JSON-serialized array of suggested amounts of tip in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed max_tip_amount.
suggested_tip_amounts []int
// provider_data Optional. A JSON-serialized object for data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of the required fields should be provided by the payment provider.
provider_data string
// photo_url Optional. URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service.
photo_url string
// photo_size Optional. Photo size in bytes
photo_size int
// photo_width Optional. Photo width
photo_width int
// photo_height Optional. Photo height
photo_height int
// need_name Optional. Pass True if you require the user's full name to complete the order
need_name bool
// need_phone_number Optional. Pass True if you require the user's phone number to complete the order
need_phone_number bool
// need_email Optional. Pass True if you require the user's email address to complete the order
need_email bool
// need_shipping_address Optional. Pass True if you require the user's shipping address to complete the order
need_shipping_address bool
// send_phone_number_to_provider Optional. Pass True if the user's phone number should be sent to provider
send_phone_number_to_provider bool
// send_email_to_provider Optional. Pass True if the user's email address should be sent to provider
send_email_to_provider bool
// is_flexible Optional. Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method
is_flexible bool
InputInvoiceMessageContent Represents the content of an invoice message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
struct InputLocationMessageContent #
struct InputLocationMessageContent {
// latitude Latitude of the location in degrees
latitude f32
// longitude Longitude of the location in degrees
longitude f32
// horizontal_accuracy Optional. The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500
horizontal_accuracy f32
// live_period Optional. Period in seconds for which the location can be updated, should be between 60 and 86400.
live_period int
// heading Optional. For live locations, a direction in which the user is moving, in degrees. Must be between 1 and 360 if specified.
heading int
// proximity_alert_radius Optional. For live locations, a maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. Must be between 1 and 100000 if specified.
proximity_alert_radius int
InputLocationMessageContent Represents the content of a location message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
struct InputMediaAnimation #
struct InputMediaAnimation {
pub mut:
// type Type of the result, must be animation
@type string
// media File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name. More information on Sending Files »
media InputFileOrStringType
// thumbnail Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size.
// A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// caption Optional. Caption of the animation to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the animation caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// width Optional. Animation width
width int
// height Optional. Animation height
height int
// duration Optional. Animation duration in seconds
duration int
// has_spoiler Optional. Pass True if the animation needs to be covered with a spoiler animation
has_spoiler bool
InputMediaAnimation Represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound) to be sent.
fn (InputMediaAnimation) InputMediaAnimation__static__new #
fn InputMediaAnimation.new(input InputMediaAnimation) InputMediaAnimation
struct InputMediaAudio #
struct InputMediaAudio {
pub mut:
// type Type of the result, must be audio
@type string
// media File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name. More information on Sending Files »
media InputFileOrStringType
// thumbnail Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data.
// Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// caption Optional. Caption of the audio to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the audio caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// duration Optional. Duration of the audio in seconds
duration int
// performer Optional. Performer of the audio
performer string
// title Optional. Title of the audio
title string
InputMediaAudio Represents an audio file to be treated as music to be sent.
fn (InputMediaAudio) InputMediaAudio__static__new #
fn InputMediaAudio.new(input InputMediaAudio) InputMediaAudio
struct InputMediaDocument #
struct InputMediaDocument {
pub mut:
// type Type of the result, must be document
@type string
// media File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name. More information on Sending Files »
media InputFileOrStringType
// thumbnail Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data.
// Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// caption Optional. Caption of the document to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the document caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// disable_content_type_detection Optional. Disables automatic server-side content type detection for files uploaded using multipart/form-data. Always True, if the document is sent as part of an album.
disable_content_type_detection bool
InputMediaDocument Represents a general file to be sent.
fn (InputMediaDocument) InputMediaDocument__static__new #
fn InputMediaDocument.new(input InputMediaDocument) InputMediaDocument
struct InputMediaPhoto #
struct InputMediaPhoto {
pub mut:
// type Type of the result, must be photo
@type string
// media File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name. More information on Sending Files »
media InputFileOrStringType
// caption Optional. Caption of the photo to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the photo caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// has_spoiler Optional. Pass True if the photo needs to be covered with a spoiler animation
has_spoiler bool
InputMediaPhoto Represents a photo to be sent.
fn (InputMediaPhoto) InputMediaPhoto__static__new #
fn InputMediaPhoto.new(input InputMediaPhoto) InputMediaPhoto
struct InputMediaVideo #
struct InputMediaVideo {
pub mut:
// type Type of the result, must be video
@type string
// media File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name. More information on Sending Files »
media InputFileOrStringType
// thumbnail Optional. Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data.
// Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// caption Optional. Caption of the video to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the video caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// width Optional. Video width
width int
// height Optional. Video height
height int
// duration Optional. Video duration in seconds
duration int
// supports_streaming Optional. Pass True if the uploaded video is suitable for streaming
supports_streaming bool
// has_spoiler Optional. Pass True if the video needs to be covered with a spoiler animation
has_spoiler bool
InputMediaVideo Represents a video to be sent.
fn (InputMediaVideo) InputMediaVideo__static__new #
fn InputMediaVideo.new(input InputMediaVideo) InputMediaVideo
struct InputSticker #
struct InputSticker {
pub mut:
// sticker The added sticker. Pass a file_id as a String to send a file that already exists on the Telegram servers, pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or upload a new one using multipart/form-data. Animated and video stickers can't be uploaded via HTTP URL. More information on Sending Files »
sticker InputFileOrStringType
// emoji_list List of 1-20 emoji associated with the sticker
emoji_list []string
// mask_position Optional. Position where the mask should be placed on faces. For “mask” stickers only.
mask_position MaskPosition [omitempty]
// keywords Optional. List of 0-20 search keywords for the sticker with total length of up to 64 characters. For “regular” and “custom_emoji” stickers only.
keywords []string [omitempty]
InputSticker This object describes a sticker to be added to a sticker set.
fn (InputSticker) InputSticker__static__new #
fn InputSticker.new(params InputSticker) InputSticker
struct InputTextMessageContent #
struct InputTextMessageContent {
// message_text Text of the message to be sent, 1-4096 characters
message_text string
// parse_mode Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the message text. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// entities Optional. List of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
entities []MessageEntity
// disable_web_page_preview Optional. Disables link previews for links in the sent message
disable_web_page_preview bool
InputTextMessageContent Represents the content of a text message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
struct InputVenueMessageContent #
struct InputVenueMessageContent {
// latitude Latitude of the venue in degrees
latitude f32
// longitude Longitude of the venue in degrees
longitude f32
// title Name of the venue
title string
// address Address of the venue
address string
// foursquare_id Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue, if known
foursquare_id string
// foursquare_type Optional. Foursquare type of the venue, if known. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
foursquare_type string
// google_place_id Optional. Google Places identifier of the venue
google_place_id string
// google_place_type Optional. Google Places type of the venue. (See supported types.)
google_place_type string
InputVenueMessageContent Represents the content of a venue message to be sent as the result of an inline query.
struct Invoice #
struct Invoice {
// title Product name
title string
// description Product description
description string
// start_parameter Unique bot deep-linking parameter that can be used to generate this invoice
start_parameter string
// currency Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
currency string
// total_amount Total price in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45 pass amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).
total_amount int
Invoice This object contains basic information about an invoice.
struct KeyboardButton #
struct KeyboardButton {
// text Text of the button. If none of the optional fields are used, it will be sent as a message when the button is pressed
text string
// request_user Optional. If specified, pressing the button will open a list of suitable users. Tapping on any user will send their identifier to the bot in a “user_shared” service message. Available in private chats only.
// request_user KeyboardButtonRequestUser
// request_chat Optional. If specified, pressing the button will open a list of suitable chats. Tapping on a chat will send its identifier to the bot in a “chat_shared” service message. Available in private chats only.
// request_chat KeyboardButtonRequestChat
// request_contact Optional. If True, the user's phone number will be sent as a contact when the button is pressed. Available in private chats only.
// request_contact bool
// request_location Optional. If True, the user's current location will be sent when the button is pressed. Available in private chats only.
// request_location bool
// request_poll Optional. If specified, the user will be asked to create a poll and send it to the bot when the button is pressed. Available in private chats only.
// request_poll KeyboardButtonPollType
// web_app Optional. If specified, the described Web App will be launched when the button is pressed. The Web App will be able to send a “web_app_data” service message. Available in private chats only.
// web_app WebAppInfo
KeyboardButton This object represents one button of the reply keyboard. For simple text buttons String can be used instead of this object to specify text of the button. Optional fields web_app, request_contact, request_location, and request_poll are mutually exclusive.
struct KeyboardButtonExt #
struct KeyboardButtonExt {
// text Text of the button. If none of the optional fields are used, it will be sent as a message when the button is pressed
text string
// request_user Optional. If specified, pressing the button will open a list of suitable users. Tapping on any user will send their identifier to the bot in a “user_shared” service message. Available in private chats only.
request_user KeyboardButtonRequestUser
// request_chat Optional. If specified, pressing the button will open a list of suitable chats. Tapping on a chat will send its identifier to the bot in a “chat_shared” service message. Available in private chats only.
request_chat KeyboardButtonRequestChat
// request_contact Optional. If True, the user's phone number will be sent as a contact when the button is pressed. Available in private chats only.
request_contact bool
// request_location Optional. If True, the user's current location will be sent when the button is pressed. Available in private chats only.
request_location bool
// request_poll Optional. If specified, the user will be asked to create a poll and send it to the bot when the button is pressed. Available in private chats only.
request_poll KeyboardButtonPollType
// web_app Optional. If specified, the described Web App will be launched when the button is pressed. The Web App will be able to send a “web_app_data” service message. Available in private chats only.
web_app WebAppInfo
KeyboardButtonExt extends KeyboardButton and includes all other parameters
struct KeyboardButtonPollType #
struct KeyboardButtonPollType {
// type Optional. If quiz is passed, the user will be allowed to create only polls in the quiz mode. If regular is passed, only regular polls will be allowed. Otherwise, the user will be allowed to create a poll of any type.
@type string
KeyboardButtonPollType This object represents type of a poll, which is allowed to be created and sent when the corresponding button is pressed.
struct KeyboardButtonRequestChat #
struct KeyboardButtonRequestChat {
// request_id Signed 32-bit identifier of the request, which will be received back in the ChatShared object. Must be unique within the message
request_id int
// chat_is_channel Pass True to request a channel chat, pass False to request a group or a supergroup chat.
chat_is_channel bool
// chat_is_forum Optional. Pass True to request a forum supergroup, pass False to request a non-forum chat. If not specified, no additional restrictions are applied.
chat_is_forum bool
// chat_has_username Optional. Pass True to request a supergroup or a channel with a username, pass False to request a chat without a username. If not specified, no additional restrictions are applied.
chat_has_username bool
// chat_is_created Optional. Pass True to request a chat owned by the user. Otherwise, no additional restrictions are applied.
chat_is_created bool
// chat_is_created Optional. A JSON-serialized object listing the required administrator rights of the user in the chat. The rights must be a superset of bot_administrator_rights. If not specified, no additional restrictions are applied.
user_administrator_rights ChatAdministratorRights
// bot_administrator_rights Optional. A JSON-serialized object listing the required administrator rights of the bot in the chat. The rights must be a subset of user_administrator_rights. If not specified, no additional restrictions are applied.
bot_administrator_rights ChatAdministratorRights
// bot_is_member Optional. Pass True to request a chat with the bot as a member. Otherwise, no additional restrictions are applied.
bot_is_member bool
KeyboardButtonRequestChat This object defines the criteria used to request a suitable chat.
The identifier of the selected chat will be shared with the bot when the corresponding button is pressed.
struct KeyboardButtonRequestUser #
struct KeyboardButtonRequestUser {
// request_id Signed 32-bit identifier of the request, which will be received back in the UserShared object. Must be unique within the message
request_id int
// user_is_bot Optional. Pass True to request a bot, pass False to request a regular user. If not specified, no additional restrictions are applied.
user_is_bot bool
// user_is_premium Optional. Pass True to request a premium user, pass False to request a non-premium user. If not specified, no additional restrictions are applied.
user_is_premium bool
KeyboardButtonRequestUser This object defines the criteria used to request a suitable user.
The identifier of the selected user will be shared with the bot when the corresponding button is pressed.
struct LabeledPrice #
struct LabeledPrice {
// label Portion label
label string
// amount Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45 pass amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).
amount int
LabeledPrice This object represents a portion of the price for goods or services.
struct LeaveChat #
struct LeaveChat {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup or channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
struct Location #
struct Location {
// longitude Longitude as defined by sender
longitude f32
// latitude Latitude as defined by sender
latitude f32
// horizontal_accuracy Optional. The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500
horizontal_accuracy f32
// live_period Optional. Time relative to the message sending date, during which the location can be updated; in seconds. For active live locations only.
live_period int
// heading Optional. The direction in which user is moving, in degrees; 1-360. For active live locations only.
heading int
// proximity_alert_radius Optional. The maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. For sent live locations only.
proximity_alert_radius int
Location This object represents a point on the map.
struct LoginUrl #
struct LoginUrl {
// url An HTTPS URL to be opened with user authorization data added to the query string when the button is pressed. If the user refuses to provide authorization data, the original URL without information about the user will be opened. The data added is the same as described in Receiving authorization data. NOTE: You must always check the hash of the received data to verify the authentication and the integrity of the data as described in Checking authorization.
url string
// forward_text Optional. New text of the button in forwarded messages.
forward_text string
// bot_username Optional. Username of a bot, which will be used for user authorization. See Setting up a bot for more details. If not specified, the current bot's username will be assumed. The url's domain must be the same as the domain linked with the bot. See Linking your domain to the bot for more details.
bot_username string
// request_write_access Optional. Pass True to request the permission for your bot to send messages to the user.
request_write_access bool
LoginUrl This object represents a parameter of the inline keyboard button used to automatically authorize a user. Serves as a great replacement for the Telegram Login Widget when the user is coming from Telegram. All the user needs to do is tap/click a button and confirm that they want to log in:
struct LogOut #
struct LogOut {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// text Text of the message to be sent, 1-4096 characters after entities parsing
text string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the message text. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
entities []MessageEntity
// disable_web_page_preview Disables link previews for links in this message
disable_web_page_preview bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct MaskPosition #
struct MaskPosition {
pub mut:
// point The part of the face relative to which the mask should be placed. One of “forehead”, “eyes”, “mouth”, or “chin”.
point string
// x_shift Shift by X-axis measured in widths of the mask scaled to the face size, from left to right. For example, choosing -1.0 will place mask just to the left of the default mask position.
x_shift f32
// y_shift Shift by Y-axis measured in heights of the mask scaled to the face size, from top to bottom. For example, 1.0 will place the mask just below the default mask position.
y_shift f32
// scale Mask scaling coefficient. For example, 2.0 means double size.
scale f32
MaskPosition This object describes the position on faces where a mask should be placed by default.
struct MenuButtonCommands #
struct MenuButtonCommands {
// type Type of the button, must be commands
@type string
MenuButtonCommands Represents a menu button, which opens the bot's list of commands.
struct MenuButtonDefault #
struct MenuButtonDefault {
// type Type of the button, must be default
@type string
MenuButtonDefault Describes that no specific value for the menu button was set.
struct MenuButtonWebApp #
struct MenuButtonWebApp {
// type Type of the button, must be web_app
@type string
// text Text on the button
text string
// web_app Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery.
web_app WebAppInfo
MenuButtonWebApp Represents a menu button, which launches a Web App.
struct Message #
struct Message {
pub mut:
// message_id Unique message identifier inside this chat
message_id int
// message_thread_id Optional. Unique identifier of a message thread to which the message belongs; for supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// from Optional. Sender of the message; empty for messages sent to channels. For backward compatibility, the field contains a fake sender user in non-channel chats, if the message was sent on behalf of a chat.
from User
// sender_chat Optional. Sender of the message, sent on behalf of a chat. For example, the channel itself for channel posts, the supergroup itself for messages from anonymous group administrators, the linked channel for messages automatically forwarded to the discussion group. For backward compatibility, the field from contains a fake sender user in non-channel chats, if the message was sent on behalf of a chat.
sender_chat Chat
// date Date the message was sent in Unix time
date int
// chat Conversation the message belongs to
chat Chat
// forward_from Optional. For forwarded messages, sender of the original message
forward_from User
// forward_from_chat Optional. For messages forwarded from channels or from anonymous administrators, information about the original sender chat
forward_from_chat Chat
// forward_from_message_id Optional. For messages forwarded from channels, identifier of the original message in the channel
forward_from_message_id int
// forward_signature Optional. For forwarded messages that were originally sent in channels or by an anonymous chat administrator, signature of the message sender if present
forward_signature string
// forward_sender_name Optional. Sender's name for messages forwarded from users who disallow adding a link to their account in forwarded messages
forward_sender_name string
// forward_date Optional. For forwarded messages, date the original message was sent in Unix time
forward_date int
// is_topic_message Optional. True, if the message is sent to a forum topic
is_topic_message bool
// is_automatic_forward Optional. True, if the message is a channel post that was automatically forwarded to the connected discussion group
is_automatic_forward bool
// reply_to_message Optional. For replies, the original message. Note that the Message object in this field will not contain further reply_to_message fields even if it itself is a reply.
reply_to_message &Message = unsafe { nil }
// via_bot Optional. Bot through which the message was sent
via_bot User
// edit_date Optional. Date the message was last edited in Unix time
edit_date int
// has_protected_content Optional. True, if the message can't be forwarded
has_protected_content bool
// media_group_id Optional. The unique identifier of a media message group this message belongs to
media_group_id string
// author_signature Optional. Signature of the post author for messages in channels, or the custom title of an anonymous group administrator
author_signature string
// text Optional. For text messages, the actual UTF-8 text of the message
text string
// entities Optional. For text messages, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the text
entities []MessageEntity
// animation Optional. Message is an animation, information about the animation. For backward compatibility, when this field is set, the document field will also be set
animation Animation
// audio Optional. Message is an audio file, information about the file
audio Audio
// document Optional. Message is a general file, information about the file
document Document
// photo Optional. Message is a photo, available sizes of the photo
photo []PhotoSize
// sticker Optional. Message is a sticker, information about the sticker
sticker Sticker
// story Optional. Message is a forwarded story
story Story
// video Optional. Message is a video, information about the video
video Video
// video_note Optional. Message is a video note, information about the video message
video_note VideoNote
// voice Optional. Message is a voice message, information about the file
voice Voice
// caption Optional. Caption for the animation, audio, document, photo, video or voice
caption string
// caption_entities Optional. For messages with a caption, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the caption
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// has_media_spoiler Optional. True, if the message media is covered by a spoiler animation
has_media_spoiler bool
// contact Optional. Message is a shared contact, information about the contact
contact Contact
// dice Optional. Message is a dice with random value
dice Dice
// game Optional. Message is a game, information about the game. More about games »
game Game
// poll Optional. Message is a native poll, information about the poll
poll Poll
// venue Optional. Message is a venue, information about the venue. For backward compatibility, when this field is set, the location field will also be set
venue Venue
// location Optional. Message is a shared location, information about the location
location Location
// new_chat_members Optional. New members that were added to the group or supergroup and information about them (the bot itself may be one of these members)
new_chat_members []User
// left_chat_member Optional. A member was removed from the group, information about them (this member may be the bot itself)
left_chat_member User
// new_chat_title Optional. A chat title was changed to this value
new_chat_title string
// new_chat_photo Optional. A chat photo was change to this value
new_chat_photo []string
// delete_chat_photo Optional. Service message: the chat photo was deleted
delete_chat_photo bool
// group_chat_created Optional. Service message: the group has been created
group_chat_created bool
// supergroup_chat_created Optional. Service message: the supergroup has been created. This field can't be received in a message coming through updates, because bot can't be a member of a supergroup when it is created. It can only be found in reply_to_message if someone replies to a very first message in a directly created supergroup.
supergroup_chat_created bool
// channel_chat_created Optional. Service message: the channel has been created. This field can't be received in a message coming through updates, because bot can't be a member of a channel when it is created. It can only be found in reply_to_message if someone replies to a very first message in a channel.
channel_chat_created bool
// message_auto_delete_timer_changed Optional. Service message: auto-delete timer settings changed in the chat
message_auto_delete_timer_changed MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged
// migrate_to_chat_id Optional. The group has been migrated to a supergroup with the specified identifier. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
migrate_to_chat_id i64
// migrate_from_chat_id Optional. The supergroup has been migrated from a group with the specified identifier. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
migrate_from_chat_id i64
// pinned_message Optional. Specified message was pinned. Note that the Message object in this field will not contain further reply_to_message fields even if it is itself a reply.
pinned_message &Message = unsafe { nil }
// invoice Optional. Message is an invoice for a payment, information about the invoice. More about payments »
invoice Invoice
// successful_payment Optional. Message is a service message about a successful payment, information about the payment. More about payments »
successful_payment SuccessfulPayment
// user_shared Optional. Service message: a user was shared with the bot
user_shared UserShared
// chat_shared Optional. Service message: a chat was shared with the bot
chat_shared ChatShared
// connected_website Optional. The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in. More about Telegram Login »
connected_website string
// write_access_allowed Optional. Service message: the user allowed the bot added to the attachment menu to write messages
write_access_allowed WriteAccessAllowed
// passport_data Optional. Telegram Passport data
passport_data PassportData
// proximity_alert_triggered Optional. Service message. A user in the chat triggered another user's proximity alert while sharing Live Location.
proximity_alert_triggered ProximityAlertTriggered
// forum_topic_created Optional. Service message: forum topic created
forum_topic_created ForumTopicCreated
// forum_topic_edited Optional. Service message: forum topic edited
forum_topic_edited ForumTopicEdited
// forum_topic_closed Optional. Service message: forum topic closed
forum_topic_closed ForumTopicClosed
// forum_topic_reopened Optional. Service message: forum topic reopened
forum_topic_reopened ForumTopicReopened
// general_forum_topic_hidden Optional. Service message: the 'General' forum topic hidden
general_forum_topic_hidden GeneralForumTopicHidden
// general_forum_topic_unhidden Optional. Service message: the 'General' forum topic unhidden
general_forum_topic_unhidden GeneralForumTopicUnhidden
// video_chat_scheduled Optional. Service message: video chat scheduled
video_chat_scheduled VideoChatScheduled
// video_chat_started Optional. Service message: video chat started
video_chat_started VideoChatStarted
// video_chat_ended Optional. Service message: video chat ended
video_chat_ended VideoChatEnded
// video_chat_participants_invited Optional. Service message: new participants invited to a video chat
video_chat_participants_invited VideoChatParticipantsInvited
// web_app_data Optional. Service message: data sent by a Web App
web_app_data WebAppData
// reply_markup Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message. login_url buttons are represented as ordinary url buttons.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
Message This object represents a message.
fn (Message) delete #
fn (message Message) delete[T](mut bot T) !bool
delete message
fn (Message) edit #
fn (message Message) edit[T](mut bot T, params EditMessageText) !Message
edit Clone of editMessageText method with diffrence that it take message_id of attached Message ONLY IF NOT specified message_id or inline_message_id in params and takes away the requirement to specify a chat_id (also takes it from attached Message)
fn (Message) reply #
fn (message Message) reply[T](mut bot T, params SendMessage) !Message
reply on message that are pointed on takes away the requirement to specify chat_id in params
struct MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged #
struct MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged {
// message_auto_delete_time New auto-delete time for messages in the chat; in seconds
message_auto_delete_time int = -1
MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged This object represents a service message about a change in auto-delete timer settings.
struct MessageEntity #
struct MessageEntity {
// type Type of the entity. Currently, can be “mention” (@username), “hashtag” (#hashtag), “cashtag” ($USD), “bot_command” (/start@jobs_bot), “url” (https://telegram.org), “email” (do-not-reply@telegram.org), “phone_number” (+1-212-555-0123), “bold” (bold text), “italic” (italic text), “underline” (underlined text), “strikethrough” (strikethrough text), “spoiler” (spoiler message), “code” (monowidth string), “pre” (monowidth block), “text_link” (for clickable text URLs), “text_mention” (for users without usernames), “custom_emoji” (for inline custom emoji stickers)
@type string
// offset Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity
offset int
// length Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units
length int
// url Optional. For “text_link” only, URL that will be opened after user taps on the text
url string
// user Optional. For “text_mention” only, the mentioned user
user User
// language Optional. For “pre” only, the programming language of the entity text
language string
// custom_emoji_id Optional. For “custom_emoji” only, unique identifier of the custom emoji. Use getCustomEmojiStickers to get full information about the sticker
custom_emoji_id string
MessageEntity This object represents one special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc.
struct MessageId #
struct MessageId {
// message_id Unique message identifier
message_id int
MessageId This object represents a unique message identifier.
struct OrderInfo #
struct OrderInfo {
// name Optional. User name
name string
// phone_number Optional. User's phone number
phone_number string
// email Optional. User email
email string
// shipping_address Optional. User shipping address
shipping_address ShippingAddress
OrderInfo This object represents information about an order.
struct PassportData #
struct PassportData {
// data Array with information about documents and other Telegram Passport elements that was shared with the bot
data []EncryptedPassportElement
// credentials Encrypted credentials required to decrypt the data
credentials EncryptedCredentials
PassportData Describes Telegram Passport data shared with the bot by the user.
struct PassportElementErrorDataField #
struct PassportElementErrorDataField {
// source Error source, must be data
source string
// type The section of the user's Telegram Passport which has the error, one of “personal_details”, “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”, “address”
@type string
// field_name Name of the data field which has the error
field_name string
// data_hash Base64-encoded data hash
data_hash string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorDataField Represents an issue in one of the data fields that was provided by the user. The error is considered resolved when the field's value changes.
struct PassportElementErrorFile #
struct PassportElementErrorFile {
// source Error source, must be file
source string
// type The section of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue, one of “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration”, “temporary_registration”
@type string
// file_hash Base64-encoded file hash
file_hash string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorFile Represents an issue with a document scan. The error is considered resolved when the file with the document scan changes.
struct PassportElementErrorFiles #
struct PassportElementErrorFiles {
// source Error source, must be files
source string
// type The section of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue, one of “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration”, “temporary_registration”
@type string
// file_hashes List of base64-encoded file hashes
file_hashes []string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorFiles Represents an issue with a list of scans. The error is considered resolved when the list of files containing the scans changes.
struct PassportElementErrorFrontSide #
struct PassportElementErrorFrontSide {
// source Error source, must be front_side
source string
// type The section of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue, one of “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”
@type string
// file_hash Base64-encoded hash of the file with the front side of the document
file_hash string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorFrontSide Represents an issue with the front side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the front side of the document changes.
struct PassportElementErrorReverseSide #
struct PassportElementErrorReverseSide {
// source Error source, must be reverse_side
source string
// type The section of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue, one of “driver_license”, “identity_card”
@type string
// file_hash Base64-encoded hash of the file with the reverse side of the document
file_hash string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorReverseSide Represents an issue with the reverse side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with reverse side of the document changes.
struct PassportElementErrorSelfie #
struct PassportElementErrorSelfie {
// source Error source, must be selfie
source string
// type The section of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue, one of “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”
@type string
// file_hash Base64-encoded hash of the file with the selfie
file_hash string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorSelfie Represents an issue with the selfie with a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the selfie changes.
struct PassportElementErrorTranslationFile #
struct PassportElementErrorTranslationFile {
// source Error source, must be translation_file
source string
// type Type of element of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue, one of “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”, “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration”, “temporary_registration”
@type string
// file_hash Base64-encoded file hash
file_hash string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorTranslationFile Represents an issue with one of the files that constitute the translation of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file changes.
struct PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles #
struct PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles {
// source Error source, must be translation_files
source string
// type Type of element of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue, one of “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”, “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration”, “temporary_registration”
@type string
// file_hashes List of base64-encoded file hashes
file_hashes []string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles Represents an issue with the translated version of a document. The error is considered resolved when a file with the document translation change.
struct PassportElementErrorUnspecified #
struct PassportElementErrorUnspecified {
// source Error source, must be unspecified
source string
// type Type of element of the user's Telegram Passport which has the issue
@type string
// element_hash Base64-encoded element hash
element_hash string
// message Error message
message string
PassportElementErrorUnspecified Represents an issue in an unspecified place. The error is considered resolved when new data is added.
struct PassportFile #
struct PassportFile {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// file_size File size in bytes
file_size int
// file_date Unix time when the file was uploaded
file_date int
PassportFile This object represents a file uploaded to Telegram Passport. Currently all Telegram Passport files are in JPEG format when decrypted and don't exceed 10MB.
struct PhotoSize #
struct PhotoSize {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// width Photo width
width int
// height Photo height
height int
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes
file_size int
PhotoSize This object represents one size of a photo or a file / sticker thumbnail.
struct PinChatMessage #
struct PinChatMessage {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Identifier of a message to pin
message_id int
// disable_notification Pass True if it is not necessary to send a notification to all chat members about the new pinned message. Notifications are always disabled in channels and private chats.
disable_notification bool
struct Poll #
struct Poll {
// id Unique poll identifier
id string
// question Poll question, 1-300 characters
question string
// options List of poll options
options []PollOption
// total_voter_count Total number of users that voted in the poll
total_voter_count int
// is_closed True, if the poll is closed
is_closed bool
// is_anonymous True, if the poll is anonymous
is_anonymous bool
// type Poll type, currently can be “regular” or “quiz”
@type string
// allows_multiple_answers True, if the poll allows multiple answers
allows_multiple_answers bool
// correct_option_id Optional. 0-based identifier of the correct answer option. Available only for polls in the quiz mode, which are closed, or was sent (not forwarded) by the bot or to the private chat with the bot.
correct_option_id int
// explanation Optional. Text that is shown when a user chooses an incorrect answer or taps on the lamp icon in a quiz-style poll, 0-200 characters
explanation string
// explanation_entities Optional. Special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the explanation
explanation_entities []MessageEntity
// open_period Optional. Amount of time in seconds the poll will be active after creation
open_period int
// close_date Optional. Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the poll will be automatically closed
close_date int
Poll This object contains information about a poll.
struct PollAnswer #
struct PollAnswer {
// poll_id Unique poll identifier
poll_id string
// voter_chat Optional. The chat that changed the answer to the poll, if the voter is anonymous
voter_chat Chat
// Optional. user The user, who changed the answer to the poll
user User
// option_ids 0-based identifiers of answer options, chosen by the user. May be empty if the user retracted their vote.
option_ids []int
PollAnswer This object represents an answer of a user in a non-anonymous poll.
struct PollingConfig #
struct PollingConfig[T] {
delay_time int = 1000 // Time in milliseconds between getting updates
middleware_ T
struct PollOption #
struct PollOption {
// text Option text, 1-100 characters
text string
// voter_count Number of users that voted for this option
voter_count int
PollOption This object contains information about one answer option in a poll.
struct PreCheckoutQuery #
struct PreCheckoutQuery {
// id Unique query identifier
id string
// from User who sent the query
from User
// currency Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
currency string
// total_amount Total price in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45 pass amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).
total_amount int
// invoice_payload Bot specified invoice payload
invoice_payload string
// shipping_option_id Optional. Identifier of the shipping option chosen by the user
shipping_option_id string
// order_info Optional. Order information provided by the user
order_info OrderInfo
PreCheckoutQuery This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query.
struct PromoteChatMember #
struct PromoteChatMember {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
// is_anonymous Pass True if the administrator's presence in the chat is hidden
is_anonymous bool
// can_manage_chat Pass True if the administrator can access the chat event log, chat statistics, message statistics in channels, see channel members, see anonymous administrators in supergroups and ignore slow mode. Implied by any other administrator privilege
can_manage_chat bool
// can_post_messages Pass True if the administrator can create channel posts, channels only
can_post_messages bool
// can_edit_messages Pass True if the administrator can edit messages of other users and can pin messages, channels only
can_edit_messages bool
// can_delete_messages Pass True if the administrator can delete messages of other users
can_delete_messages bool
// can_manage_video_chats Pass True if the administrator can manage video chats
can_manage_video_chats bool
// can_restrict_members Pass True if the administrator can restrict, ban or unban chat members
can_restrict_members bool
// can_promote_members Pass True if the administrator can add new administrators with a subset of their own privileges or demote administrators that he has promoted, directly or indirectly (promoted by administrators that were appointed by him)
can_promote_members bool
// can_change_info Pass True if the administrator can change chat title, photo and other settings
can_change_info bool
// can_invite_users Pass True if the administrator can invite new users to the chat
can_invite_users bool
// can_pin_messages Pass True if the administrator can pin messages, supergroups only
can_pin_messages bool
// can_post_stories Optional. Pass True if the administrator can post stories in the channel; channels only
can_post_stories bool
// can_edit_stories Optional. Pass True if the administrator can edit stories posted by other users; channels only
can_edit_stories bool
// can_delete_stories Optional. Pass True if the administrator can delete stories posted by other users; channels only
can_delete_stories bool
// can_manage_topics Pass True if the user is allowed to create, rename, close, and reopen forum topics, supergroups only
can_manage_topics bool
struct ProximityAlertTriggered #
struct ProximityAlertTriggered {
// traveler User that triggered the alert
traveler User
// watcher User that set the alert
watcher User
// distance The distance between the users
distance int
ProximityAlertTriggered This object represents the content of a service message, sent whenever a user in the chat triggers a proximity alert set by another user.
struct Regular #
struct Regular {}
struct ReopenForumTopic #
struct ReopenForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread of the forum topic
message_thread_id int
struct ReopenGeneralForumTopic #
struct ReopenGeneralForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
struct ReplyKeyboardMarkup #
struct ReplyKeyboardMarkup {
// keyboard Array of button rows, each represented by an Array of KeyboardButton objects
keyboard [][]KeyboardButton
// is_persistent Optional. Requests clients to always show the keyboard when the regular keyboard is hidden. Defaults to false, in which case the custom keyboard can be hidden and opened with a keyboard icon.
is_persistent bool
// resize_keyboard Optional. Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e.g., make the keyboard smaller if there are just two rows of buttons). Defaults to false, in which case the custom keyboard is always of the same height as the app's standard keyboard.
resize_keyboard bool
// one_time_keyboard Optional. Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it's been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to false.
one_time_keyboard bool
// input_field_placeholder Optional. The placeholder to be shown in the input field when the keyboard is active; 1-64 characters
input_field_placeholder string
// selective Optional. Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has reply_to_message_id), sender of the original message. Example: A user requests to change the bot's language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don't see the keyboard.
selective bool
ReplyKeyboardMarkup This object represents a custom keyboard with reply options (see Introduction to bots for details and examples).
struct ReplyKeyboardMarkupExt #
struct ReplyKeyboardMarkupExt {
// keyboard Array of button rows, each represented by an Array of KeyboardButton objects
keyboard [][]KeyboardButtonExt
// is_persistent Optional. Requests clients to always show the keyboard when the regular keyboard is hidden. Defaults to false, in which case the custom keyboard can be hidden and opened with a keyboard icon.
is_persistent bool
// resize_keyboard Optional. Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e.g., make the keyboard smaller if there are just two rows of buttons). Defaults to false, in which case the custom keyboard is always of the same height as the app's standard keyboard.
resize_keyboard bool
// one_time_keyboard Optional. Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it's been used. The keyboard will still be available, but clients will automatically display the usual letter-keyboard in the chat - the user can press a special button in the input field to see the custom keyboard again. Defaults to false.
one_time_keyboard bool
// input_field_placeholder Optional. The placeholder to be shown in the input field when the keyboard is active; 1-64 characters
input_field_placeholder string
// selective Optional. Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has reply_to_message_id), sender of the original message. Example: A user requests to change the bot's language, bot replies to the request with a keyboard to select the new language. Other users in the group don't see the keyboard.
selective bool
ReplyKeyboardMarkup This object represents a custom keyboard with reply options (see Introduction to bots for details and examples).
struct ReplyKeyboardRemove #
struct ReplyKeyboardRemove {
// remove_keyboard Requests clients to remove the custom keyboard (user will not be able to summon this keyboard; if you want to hide the keyboard from sight but keep it accessible, use one_time_keyboard in ReplyKeyboardMarkup)
remove_keyboard bool
// selective Optional. Use this parameter if you want to remove the keyboard for specific users only. Targets: 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has reply_to_message_id), sender of the original message. Example: A user votes in a poll, bot returns confirmation message in reply to the vote and removes the keyboard for that user, while still showing the keyboard with poll options to users who haven't voted yet.
selective bool
ReplyKeyboardRemove Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will remove the current custom keyboard and display the default letter-keyboard. By default, custom keyboards are displayed until a new keyboard is sent by a bot. An exception is made for one-time keyboards that are hidden immediately after the user presses a button (see ReplyKeyboardMarkup).
struct ResponseNotOK #
struct ResponseNotOK {
ok bool
error_code int
description string
struct ResponseOK #
struct ResponseOK {
ok bool
result string [raw]
description string
struct ResponseParameters #
struct ResponseParameters {
// migrate_to_chat_id Optional. The group has been migrated to a supergroup with the specified identifier. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
migrate_to_chat_id i64
// retry_after Optional. In case of exceeding flood control, the number of seconds left to wait before the request can be repeated
retry_after int
ResponseParameters Describes why a request was unsuccessful.
struct RestrictChatMember #
struct RestrictChatMember {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
// permissions A JSON-serialized object for new user permissions
permissions ChatPermissions
// use_independent_chat_permissions Optional Pass True if chat permissions are set independently.
// Otherwise, the can_send_other_messages and can_add_web_page_previews permissions will imply the can_send_messages, can_send_audios, can_send_documents, can_send_photos, can_send_videos, can_send_video_notes, and can_send_voice_notes permissions; the can_send_polls permission will imply the can_send_messages permission.
use_independent_chat_permissions bool
// until_date Date when restrictions will be lifted for the user, unix time. If user is restricted for more than 366 days or less than 30 seconds from the current time, they are considered to be restricted forever
until_date int
struct Result #
struct Result {
update Update
struct RevokeChatInviteLink #
struct RevokeChatInviteLink {
// chat_id Unique identifier of the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// invite_link The invite link to revoke
invite_link string
struct SendAnimation #
struct SendAnimation {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// animation Animation to send. Pass a file_id as String to send an animation that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get an animation from the Internet, or upload a new animation using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files »
animation InputFileOrStringType
// duration Duration of sent animation in seconds
duration int
// width Animation width
width int
// height Animation height
height int
// thumbnail Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// caption Animation caption (may also be used when resending animation by file_id), 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the animation caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// has_spoiler Pass True if the animation needs to be covered with a spoiler animation
has_spoiler bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendAudio #
struct SendAudio {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// audio Audio file to send. Pass a file_id as String to send an audio file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get an audio file from the Internet, or upload a new one using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files »
audio InputFileOrStringType
// caption Audio caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the audio caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// duration Duration of the audio in seconds
duration int
// performer Performer
performer string
// title Track name
title string
// thumbnail Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendChatAction #
struct SendChatAction {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread; supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// action Type of action to broadcast. Choose one, depending on what the user is about to receive: typing for text messages, upload_photo for photos, record_video or upload_video for videos, record_voice or upload_voice for voice notes, upload_document for general files, choose_sticker for stickers, find_location for location data, record_video_note or upload_video_note for video notes.
action string
struct SendContact #
struct SendContact {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// phone_number Contact's phone number
phone_number string
// first_name Contact's first name
first_name string
// last_name Contact's last name
last_name string
// vcard Additional data about the contact in the form of a vCard, 0-2048 bytes
vcard string
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendDice #
struct SendDice {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// emoji Emoji on which the dice throw animation is based. Currently, must be one of “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, or “”. Dice can have values 1-6 for “”, “” and “”, values 1-5 for “” and “”, and values 1-64 for “”. Defaults to “”
emoji string
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendDocument #
struct SendDocument {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// document File to send. Pass a file_id as String to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or upload a new one using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files »
document InputFileOrStringType
// thumbnail Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// caption Document caption (may also be used when resending documents by file_id), 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the document caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// disable_content_type_detection Disables automatic server-side content type detection for files uploaded using multipart/form-data
disable_content_type_detection bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendGame #
struct SendGame {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// game_short_name Short name of the game, serves as the unique identifier for the game. Set up your games via @BotFather.
game_short_name string
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. If empty, one 'Play game_title' button will be shown. If not empty, the first button must launch the game.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct SendInvoice #
struct SendInvoice {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// title Product name, 1-32 characters
title string
// description Product description, 1-255 characters
description string
// payload Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.
payload string
// provider_token Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather
provider_token string
// currency Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies
currency string
// prices Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)
prices []LabeledPrice
// max_tip_amount The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0
max_tip_amount int
// suggested_tip_amounts A JSON-serialized array of suggested amounts of tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed max_tip_amount.
suggested_tip_amounts []int
// start_parameter Unique deep-linking parameter. If left empty, forwarded copies of the sent message will have a Pay button, allowing multiple users to pay directly from the forwarded message, using the same invoice. If non-empty, forwarded copies of the sent message will have a URL button with a deep link to the bot (instead of a Pay button), with the value used as the start parameter
start_parameter string
// provider_data JSON-serialized data about the invoice, which will be shared with the payment provider. A detailed description of required fields should be provided by the payment provider.
provider_data string
// photo_url URL of the product photo for the invoice. Can be a photo of the goods or a marketing image for a service. People like it better when they see what they are paying for.
photo_url string
// photo_size Photo size in bytes
photo_size int
// photo_width Photo width
photo_width int
// photo_height Photo height
photo_height int
// need_name Pass True if you require the user's full name to complete the order
need_name bool
// need_phone_number Pass True if you require the user's phone number to complete the order
need_phone_number bool
// need_email Pass True if you require the user's email address to complete the order
need_email bool
// need_shipping_address Pass True if you require the user's shipping address to complete the order
need_shipping_address bool
// send_phone_number_to_provider Pass True if the user's phone number should be sent to provider
send_phone_number_to_provider bool
// send_email_to_provider Pass True if the user's email address should be sent to provider
send_email_to_provider bool
// is_flexible Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method
is_flexible bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. If empty, one 'Pay total price' button will be shown. If not empty, the first button must be a Pay button.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct SendLocation #
struct SendLocation {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// latitude Latitude of the location
latitude f32
// longitude Longitude of the location
longitude f32
// horizontal_accuracy The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500
horizontal_accuracy f32
// live_period Period in seconds for which the location will be updated (see Live Locations, should be between 60 and 86400.
live_period int
// heading For live locations, a direction in which the user is moving, in degrees. Must be between 1 and 360 if specified.
heading int
// proximity_alert_radius For live locations, a maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. Must be between 1 and 100000 if specified.
proximity_alert_radius int
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendMediaGroup #
struct SendMediaGroup[T] {
pub mut:
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// media A JSON-serialized array describing messages to be sent, must include 2-10 items
media []T
// disable_notification Sends messages silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent messages from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the messages are a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
struct SendMediaGroupParams #
struct SendMediaGroupParams {
pub mut:
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// disable_notification Sends messages silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent messages from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the messages are a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
SendMediaGroupParams struct only for named parameters in send_media_group
struct SendMessage #
struct SendMessage {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// text Text of the message to be sent, 1-4096 characters after entities parsing
text string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the message text. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in message text, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
entities []MessageEntity
// disable_web_page_preview Disables link previews for links in this message
disable_web_page_preview bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendPhoto #
struct SendPhoto {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// photo Photo to send. Pass a file_id as String to send a photo that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a photo from the Internet, or upload a new photo using multipart/form-data. The photo must be at most 10 MB in size. The photo's width and height must not exceed 10000 in total. Width and height ratio must be at most 20. More information on Sending Files »
photo InputFileOrStringType
// caption Photo caption (may also be used when resending photos by file_id), 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the photo caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// has_spoiler Pass True if the photo needs to be covered with a spoiler animation
has_spoiler bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendPoll #
struct SendPoll {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// question Poll question, 1-300 characters
question string
// options A JSON-serialized list of answer options, 2-10 strings 1-100 characters each
options []string
// is_anonymous True, if the poll needs to be anonymous, defaults to True
is_anonymous bool
// @type Poll type, “quiz” or “regular”, defaults to “regular”
@type string
// allows_multiple_answers True, if the poll allows multiple answers, ignored for polls in quiz mode, defaults to False
allows_multiple_answers bool
// correct_option_id 0-based identifier of the correct answer option, required for polls in quiz mode
correct_option_id int
// explanation Text that is shown when a user chooses an incorrect answer or taps on the lamp icon in a quiz-style poll, 0-200 characters with at most 2 line feeds after entities parsing
explanation string
// explanation_parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the explanation. See formatting options for more details.
explanation_parse_mode string
// explanation_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the poll explanation, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
explanation_entities []MessageEntity
// open_period Amount of time in seconds the poll will be active after creation, 5-600. Can't be used together with close_date.
open_period int
// close_date Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the poll will be automatically closed. Must be at least 5 and no more than 600 seconds in the future. Can't be used together with open_period.
close_date int
// is_closed Pass True if the poll needs to be immediately closed. This can be useful for poll preview.
is_closed bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendSticker #
struct SendSticker {
pub mut:
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// sticker Sticker to send. Pass a file_id as String to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a .WEBP file from the Internet, or upload a new one using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files »
sticker InputFileOrStringType
// emoji Optional Emoji associated with the sticker; only for just uploaded stickers
emoji string
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendVenue #
struct SendVenue {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// latitude Latitude of the venue
latitude f32
// longitude Longitude of the venue
longitude f32
// title Name of the venue
title string
// address Address of the venue
address string
// foursquare_id Foursquare identifier of the venue
foursquare_id string
// foursquare_type Foursquare type of the venue, if known. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
foursquare_type string
// google_place_id Google Places identifier of the venue
google_place_id string
// google_place_type Google Places type of the venue. (See supported types.)
google_place_type string
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendVideo #
struct SendVideo {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// video Video to send. Pass a file_id as String to send a video that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a video from the Internet, or upload a new video using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files »
video InputFileOrStringType
// duration Duration of sent video in seconds
duration int
// width Video width
width int
// height Video height
height int
// thumbnail Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// caption Video caption (may also be used when resending videos by file_id), 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the video caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// has_spoiler Pass True if the video needs to be covered with a spoiler animation
has_spoiler bool
// supports_streaming Pass True if the uploaded video is suitable for streaming
supports_streaming bool
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendVideoNote #
struct SendVideoNote {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// video_note Video note to send. Pass a file_id as String to send a video note that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended) or upload a new video using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files ». Sending video notes by a URL is currently unsupported
video_note InputFileOrStringType
// duration Duration of sent video in seconds
duration int
// length Video width and height, i.e. diameter of the video message
length int
// thumbnail Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
thumbnail InputFileOrStringType
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SendVoice #
struct SendVoice {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
message_thread_id int
// voice Audio file to send. Pass a file_id as String to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or upload a new one using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files »
voice InputFileOrStringType
// caption Voice message caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
caption string
// parse_mode Mode for parsing entities in the voice message caption. See formatting options for more details.
parse_mode string
// caption_entities A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
caption_entities []MessageEntity
// duration Duration of the voice message in seconds
duration int
// disable_notification Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
disable_notification bool
// protect_content Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
protect_content bool
// reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_to_message_id int
// allow_sending_without_reply Pass True if the message should be sent even if the specified replied-to message is not found
allow_sending_without_reply bool
// reply_markup Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, inpub structions to remove reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
reply_markup ReplyMarkup
struct SentWebAppMessage #
struct SentWebAppMessage {
// inline_message_id Optional. Identifier of the sent inline message. Available only if there is an inline keyboard attached to the message.
inline_message_id string
SentWebAppMessage Describes an inline message sent by a Web App on behalf of a user.
struct SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle #
struct SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
// custom_title New custom title for the administrator; 0-16 characters, emoji are not allowed
custom_title string
struct SetChatDescription #
struct SetChatDescription {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// description New chat description, 0-255 characters
description string
struct SetChatMenuButton #
struct SetChatMenuButton {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target private chat. If not specified, default bot's menu button will be changed
chat_id i64
// menu_button A JSON-serialized object for the bot's new menu button. Defaults to MenuButtonDefault
menu_button MenuButton
struct SetChatPermissions #
struct SetChatPermissions {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// permissions A JSON-serialized object for new default chat permissions
permissions ChatPermissions
// use_independent_chat_permissions Optional Pass True if chat permissions are set independently.
// Otherwise, the can_send_other_messages and can_add_web_page_previews permissions will imply the can_send_messages, can_send_audios, can_send_documents, can_send_photos, can_send_videos, can_send_video_notes, and can_send_voice_notes permissions; the can_send_polls permission will imply the can_send_messages permission.
use_independent_chat_permissions bool
struct SetChatPhoto #
struct SetChatPhoto {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// photo New chat photo, uploaded using multipart/form-data
photo string
struct SetChatStickerSet #
struct SetChatStickerSet {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// sticker_set_name Name of the sticker set to be set as the group sticker set
sticker_set_name string
struct SetChatTitle #
struct SetChatTitle {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// title New chat title, 1-128 characters
title string
struct SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail #
struct SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail {
pub mut:
// Sticker set name
name string
// Custom emoji identifier of a sticker from the sticker set; pass an empty string to drop the thumbnail and use the first sticker as the thumbnail.
custom_emoji_id ?string
struct SetGameScore #
struct SetGameScore {
// user_id User identifier
user_id int
// score New score, must be non-negative
score int
// force Pass True if the high score is allowed to decrease. This can be useful when fixing mistakes or banning cheaters
force bool
// disable_edit_message Pass True if the game message should not be automatically edited to include the current scoreboard
disable_edit_message bool
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the sent message
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
struct SetMyCommands #
struct SetMyCommands {
// commands A JSON-serialized list of bot commands to be set as the list of the bot's commands. At most 100 commands can be specified.
commands []BotCommand
// scope A JSON-serialized object, describing scope of users for which the commands are relevant. Defaults to BotCommandScopeDefault.
scope BotCommandScope
// language_code A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, commands will be applied to all users from the given scope, for whose language there are no dedicated commands
language_code string
struct SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights #
struct SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights {
// rights A JSON-serialized object describing new default administrator rights. If not specified, the default administrator rights will be cleared.
rights ChatAdministratorRights
// for_channels Pass True to change the default administrator rights of the bot in channels. Otherwise, the default administrator rights of the bot for groups and supergroups will be changed.
for_channels bool
struct SetMyDescription #
struct SetMyDescription {
pub mut:
// description Optional
// New bot description; 0-512 characters. Pass an empty string to remove the dedicated description for the given language.
description ?string
// language_code Optional
// A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, the description will be applied to all users for whose language there is no dedicated description.
language_code ?string
struct SetMyName #
struct SetMyName {
// name Optional New bot name; 0-64 characters. Pass an empty string to remove the dedicated name for the given language.
name string
// language_code Optional A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, the name will be shown to all users for whose language there is no dedicated name.
language_code string
struct SetMyShortDescription #
struct SetMyShortDescription {
pub mut:
// short_description Optional
// New short description for the bot; 0-120 characters. Pass an empty string to remove the dedicated short description for the given language.
short_description ?string
// language_code Optional
// A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, the short description will be applied to all users for whose language there is no dedicated short description.
language_code ?string
struct SetPassportDataErrors #
struct SetPassportDataErrors {
// user_id User identifier
user_id int
// errors A JSON-serialized array describing the errors
errors []PassportElementError
struct SetStickerEmojiList #
struct SetStickerEmojiList {
pub mut:
// sticker File identifier of the sticker
sticker string
// emoji_list A JSON-serialized list of 1-20 emoji associated with the sticker
emoji_list []string
struct SetStickerKeywords #
struct SetStickerKeywords {
pub mut:
// sticker File identifier of the sticker
sticker string
// keywords Optional A JSON-serialized list of 0-20 search keywords for the sticker with total length of up to 64 characters
keywords []string
struct SetStickerMaskPosition #
struct SetStickerMaskPosition {
pub mut:
// sticker File identifier of the sticker
sticker string
// mask_position Optional A JSON-serialized object with the position where the mask should be placed on faces. Omit the parameter to remove the mask position.
mask_position MaskPosition
struct SetStickerPositionInSet #
struct SetStickerPositionInSet {
// sticker File identifier of the sticker
sticker string
// position New sticker position in the set, zero-based
position int
struct SetStickerSetThumbnail #
struct SetStickerSetThumbnail {
// name Sticker set name
name string
// user_id User identifier of the sticker set owner
user_id int
// thumbnail A PNG image with the thumbnail, must be up to 128 kilobytes in size and have width and height exactly 100px, or a TGS animation with the thumbnail up to 32 kilobytes in size; see https://core.telegram.org/stickers#animated-sticker-requirements for animated sticker technical requirements, or a WEBM video with the thumbnail up to 32 kilobytes in size; see https://core.telegram.org/stickers#video-sticker-requirements for video sticker technical requirements. Pass a file_id as a String to send a file that already exists on the Telegram servers, pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or upload a new one using multipart/form-data. More information on Sending Files ». Animated sticker set thumbnails can't be uploaded via HTTP URL.
thumbnail string
struct SetStickerSetTitle #
struct SetStickerSetTitle {
pub mut:
// name Sticker set name
name string
// title Sticker set title, 1-64 characters
title string
struct SetWebhook #
struct SetWebhook {
// url HTTPS URL to send updates to. Use an empty string to remove webhook integration
url string
// certificate Upload your public key certificate so that the root certificate in use can be checked. See our self-signed guide for details.
certificate string
// ip_address The fixed IP address which will be used to send webhook requests instead of the IP address resolved through DNS
ip_address string
// max_connections The maximum allowed number of simultaneous HTTPS connections to the webhook for update delivery, 1-100. Defaults to 40. Use lower values to limit the load on your bot's server, and higher values to increase your bot's throughput.
max_connections int
// allowed_updates A JSON-serialized list of the update types you want your bot to receive. For example, specify [“message”, “edited_channel_post”, “callback_query”] to only receive updates of these types. See Update for a complete list of available update types. Specify an empty list to receive all update types except chat_member (default). If not specified, the previous setting will be used.
// Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created before the call to the setWebhook, so unwanted updates may be received for a short period of time.
allowed_updates []string
// drop_pending_updates Pass True to drop all pending updates
drop_pending_updates bool
// secret_token A secret token to be sent in a header “X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token” in every webhook request, 1-256 characters. Only characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed. The header is useful to ensure that the request comes from a webhook set by you.
secret_token string
struct ShippingAddress #
struct ShippingAddress {
// country_code Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
country_code string
// state State, if applicable
state string
// city City
city string
// street_line1 First line for the address
street_line1 string
// street_line2 Second line for the address
street_line2 string
// post_code Address post code
post_code string
ShippingAddress This object represents a shipping address.
struct ShippingOption #
struct ShippingOption {
// id Shipping option identifier
id string
// title Option title
title string
// prices List of price portions
prices []LabeledPrice
ShippingOption This object represents one shipping option.
struct ShippingQuery #
struct ShippingQuery {
// id Unique query identifier
id string
// from User who sent the query
from User
// invoice_payload Bot specified invoice payload
invoice_payload string
// shipping_address User specified shipping address
shipping_address ShippingAddress
ShippingQuery This object contains information about an incoming shipping query.
struct Sticker #
struct Sticker {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// type Type of the sticker, currently one of “regular”, “mask”, “custom_emoji”. The type of the sticker is independent from its format, which is determined by the fields is_animated and is_video.
@type string
// width Sticker width
width int
// height Sticker height
height int
// is_animated True, if the sticker is animated
is_animated bool
// is_video True, if the sticker is a video sticker
is_video bool
// thumbnail Optional. Sticker thumbnail in the .WEBP or .JPG format
thumbnail PhotoSize
// emoji Optional. Emoji associated with the sticker
emoji string
// set_name Optional. Name of the sticker set to which the sticker belongs
set_name string
// premium_animation Optional. For premium regular stickers, premium animation for the sticker
premium_animation File
// mask_position Optional. For mask stickers, the position where the mask should be placed
mask_position MaskPosition
// custom_emoji_id Optional. For custom emoji stickers, unique identifier of the custom emoji
custom_emoji_id string
// needs_repainting Optional.
// True, if the sticker must be repainted to a text color in messages, the color of the Telegram Premium badge in emoji status, white color on chat photos, or another appropriate color in other places
needs_repainting bool
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes
file_size int
Sticker This object represents a sticker.
struct StickerSet #
struct StickerSet {
// name Sticker set name
name string
// title Sticker set title
title string
// sticker_type Type of stickers in the set, currently one of “regular”, “mask”, “custom_emoji”
sticker_type string
// is_animated True, if the sticker set contains animated stickers
is_animated bool
// is_video True, if the sticker set contains video stickers
is_video bool
// stickers List of all set stickers
stickers []Sticker
// thumbnail Optional. Sticker set thumbnail in the .WEBP, .TGS, or .WEBM format
thumbnail PhotoSize
StickerSet This object represents a sticker set.
struct StopMessageLiveLocation #
struct StopMessageLiveLocation {
// chat_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Required if inline_message_id is not specified. Identifier of the message with live location to stop
message_id int
// inline_message_id Required if chat_id and message_id are not specified. Identifier of the inline message
inline_message_id string
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for a new inline keyboard.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct StopPoll #
struct StopPoll {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Identifier of the original message with the poll
message_id int
// reply_markup A JSON-serialized object for a new message inline keyboard.
reply_markup InlineKeyboardMarkup
struct Story #
struct Story {
struct SuccessfulPayment #
struct SuccessfulPayment {
// currency Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
currency string
// total_amount Total price in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45 pass amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).
total_amount int
// invoice_payload Bot specified invoice payload
invoice_payload string
// shipping_option_id Optional. Identifier of the shipping option chosen by the user
shipping_option_id string
// order_info Optional. Order information provided by the user
order_info OrderInfo
// telegram_payment_charge_id Telegram payment identifier
telegram_payment_charge_id string
// provider_payment_charge_id Provider payment identifier
provider_payment_charge_id string
SuccessfulPayment This object contains basic information about a successful payment.
struct SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat #
struct SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat {
// query Optional. The default inline query to be inserted in the input field. If left empty, only the bot's username will be inserted
query string
// allow_user_chats Optional. True, if private chats with users can be chosen
allow_user_chats bool
// allow_bot_chats Optional. True, if private chats with bots can be chosen
allow_bot_chats bool
// allow_group_chats Optional. True, if group and supergroup chats can be chosen
allow_group_chats bool
// allow_channel_chats Optional. True, if channel chats can be chosen
allow_channel_chats bool
SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat This object represents an inline button that switches the current user to inline mode in a chosen chat, with an optional default inline query.
struct UnbanChatMember #
struct UnbanChatMember {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target group or username of the target supergroup or channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// user_id Unique identifier of the target user
user_id int
// only_if_banned Do nothing if the user is not banned
only_if_banned bool
struct UnbanChatSenderChat #
struct UnbanChatSenderChat {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// sender_chat_id Unique identifier of the target sender chat
sender_chat_id int
struct UnhideGeneralForumTopic #
struct UnhideGeneralForumTopic {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
struct UnpinAllChatMessages #
struct UnpinAllChatMessages {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
struct UnpinAllForumTopicMessages #
struct UnpinAllForumTopicMessages {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
// message_thread_id Unique identifier for the target message thread of the forum topic
message_thread_id int
struct UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages #
struct UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroupusername)
chat_id i64
struct UnpinChatMessage #
struct UnpinChatMessage {
// chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
chat_id i64
// message_id Identifier of a message to unpin. If not specified, the most recent pinned message (by sending date) will be unpinned.
message_id int
struct Update #
struct Update {
pub mut:
// update_id The update's unique identifier. Update identifiers start from a certain positive number and increase sequentially. This ID becomes especially handy if you're using webhooks, since it allows you to ignore repeated updates or to restore the correct update sequence, should they get out of order. If there are no new updates for at least a week, then identifier of the next update will be chosen randomly instead of sequentially.
update_id int
// message Optional. New incoming message of any kind - text, photo, sticker, etc.
message Message
// edited_message Optional. New version of a message that is known to the bot and was edited
edited_message Message
// channel_post Optional. New incoming channel post of any kind - text, photo, sticker, etc.
channel_post Message
// edited_channel_post Optional. New version of a channel post that is known to the bot and was edited
edited_channel_post Message
// inline_query Optional. New incoming inline query
inline_query InlineQuery
// chosen_inline_result Optional. The result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their chat partner. Please see our documentation on the feedback collecting for details on how to enable these updates for your bot.
chosen_inline_result ChosenInlineResult
// callback_query Optional. New incoming callback query
callback_query CallbackQuery
// shipping_query Optional. New incoming shipping query. Only for invoices with flexible price
shipping_query ShippingQuery
// pre_checkout_query Optional. New incoming pre-checkout query. Contains full information about checkout
pre_checkout_query PreCheckoutQuery
// poll Optional. New poll state. Bots receive only updates about stopped polls and polls, which are sent by the bot
poll Poll
// poll_answer Optional. A user changed their answer in a non-anonymous poll. Bots receive new votes only in polls that were sent by the bot itself.
poll_answer PollAnswer
// my_chat_member Optional. The bot's chat member status was updated in a chat. For private chats, this update is received only when the bot is blocked or unblocked by the user.
my_chat_member ChatMemberUpdated
// chat_member Optional. A chat member's status was updated in a chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat and must explicitly specify “chat_member” in the list of allowed_updates to receive these updates.
chat_member ChatMemberUpdated
// chat_join_request Optional. A request to join the chat has been sent. The bot must have the can_invite_users administrator right in the chat to receive these updates.
chat_join_request ChatJoinRequest
Update This object represents an incoming update. At most one of the optional parameters can be present in any given update.
struct UploadStickerFile #
struct UploadStickerFile {
// user_id User identifier of sticker file owner
user_id i64
// sticker A file with the sticker in .WEBP, .PNG, .TGS, or .WEBM format. See https://core.telegram.org/stickers for technical requirements. More information on Sending Files »
sticker InputFile
// sticker_format Format of the sticker, must be one of “static”, “animated”, “video”
sticker_format string
struct User #
struct User {
// id Unique identifier for this user or bot. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
id i64
// is_bot True, if this user is a bot
is_bot bool
// first_name User's or bot's first name
first_name string
// last_name Optional. User's or bot's last name
last_name string
// username Optional. User's or bot's username
username string
// language_code Optional. IETF language tag of the user's language
language_code string
// is_premium Optional. True, if this user is a Telegram Premium user
is_premium bool
// added_to_attachment_menu Optional. True, if this user added the bot to the attachment menu
added_to_attachment_menu bool
// can_join_groups Optional. True, if the bot can be invited to groups. Returned only in getMe.
can_join_groups bool
// can_read_all_group_messages Optional. True, if privacy mode is disabled for the bot. Returned only in getMe.
can_read_all_group_messages bool
// supports_inline_queries Optional. True, if the bot supports inline queries. Returned only in getMe.
supports_inline_queries bool
User This object represents a Telegram user or bot.
struct UserProfilePhotos #
struct UserProfilePhotos {
// total_count Total number of profile pictures the target user has
total_count int
// photos Requested profile pictures (in up to 4 sizes each)
photos [][]PhotoSize
UserProfilePhotos This object represent a user's profile pictures.
struct Venue #
struct Venue {
// location Venue location. Can't be a live location
location Location
// title Name of the venue
title string
// address Address of the venue
address string
// foursquare_id Optional. Foursquare identifier of the venue
foursquare_id string
// foursquare_type Optional. Foursquare type of the venue. (For example, “arts_entertainment/default”, “arts_entertainment/aquarium” or “food/icecream”.)
foursquare_type string
// google_place_id Optional. Google Places identifier of the venue
google_place_id string
// google_place_type Optional. Google Places type of the venue. (See supported types.)
google_place_type string
Venue This object represents a venue.
struct Video #
struct Video {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// width Video width as defined by sender
width int
// height Video height as defined by sender
height int
// duration Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender
duration int
// thumbnail Optional. Video thumbnail
thumbnail PhotoSize
// file_name Optional. Original filename as defined by sender
file_name string
// mime_type Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender
mime_type string
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
file_size i64
Video This object represents a video file.
struct VideoChatEnded #
struct VideoChatEnded {
// duration Video chat duration in seconds
duration int
VideoChatEnded This object represents a service message about a video chat ended in the chat.
struct VideoChatParticipantsInvited #
struct VideoChatParticipantsInvited {
// users New members that were invited to the video chat
users []User
VideoChatParticipantsInvited This object represents a service message about new members invited to a video chat.
struct VideoChatScheduled #
struct VideoChatScheduled {
// start_date Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the video chat is supposed to be started by a chat administrator
start_date int
VideoChatScheduled This object represents a service message about a video chat scheduled in the chat.
struct VideoChatStarted #
struct VideoChatStarted {
VideoChatStarted This object represents a service message about a video chat started in the chat. Currently holds no information.
struct VideoNote #
struct VideoNote {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// length Video width and height (diameter of the video message) as defined by sender
length int
// duration Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender
duration int
// thumbnail Optional. Video thumbnail
thumbnail PhotoSize
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes
file_size int
VideoNote This object represents a video message (available in Telegram apps as of v.4.0).
struct Voice #
struct Voice {
// file_id Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file
file_id string
// file_unique_id Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
file_unique_id string
// duration Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender
duration int
// mime_type Optional. MIME type of the file as defined by sender
mime_type string
// file_size Optional. File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
file_size i64
Voice This object represents a voice note.
struct WebAppData #
struct WebAppData {
// data The data. Be aware that a bad client can send arbitrary data in this field.
data string
// button_text Text of the web_app keyboard button from which the Web App was opened. Be aware that a bad client can send arbitrary data in this field.
button_text string
WebAppData Describes data sent from a Web App to the bot.
struct WebAppInfo #
struct WebAppInfo {
// url An HTTPS URL of a Web App to be opened with additional data as specified in Initializing Web Apps
url string
WebAppInfo Describes a Web App.
struct WebhookInfo #
struct WebhookInfo {
// url Webhook URL, may be empty if webhook is not set up
url string
// has_custom_certificate True, if a custom certificate was provided for webhook certificate checks
has_custom_certificate bool
// pending_update_count Number of updates awaiting delivery
pending_update_count int
// ip_address Optional. Currently used webhook IP address
ip_address string
// last_error_date Optional. Unix time for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook
last_error_date int
// last_error_message Optional. Error message in human-readable format for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook
last_error_message string
// last_synchronization_error_date Optional. Unix time of the most recent error that happened when trying to synchronize available updates with Telegram datacenters
last_synchronization_error_date int
// max_connections Optional. The maximum allowed number of simultaneous HTTPS connections to the webhook for update delivery
max_connections int
// allowed_updates Optional. A list of update types the bot is subscribed to. Defaults to all update types except chat_member
allowed_updates []string
WebhookInfo Describes the current status of a webhook.
struct WriteAccessAllowed #
struct WriteAccessAllowed {
// from_request Optional. True, if the access was granted after the user accepted an explicit request from a Web App sent by the method requestWriteAccess
from_request bool
// web_app_name Optional. Name of the Web App which was launched from a link
web_app_name string
// from_attachment_menu Optional. True, if the access was granted when the bot was added to the attachment or side menu
from_attachment_menu bool
WriteAccessAllowed This object represents a service message about a user allowing a bot added to the attachment menu to write messages. Currently holds no information.
- Constants
- fn new_inline_button
- fn new_media_group
- fn new_reply_markup
- fn return_data
- fn start_polling
- type []InputMediaAnimation
- type []InputMediaAudio
- type []InputMediaDocument
- type []InputMediaPhoto
- type []InputMediaVideo
- type InputMedia
- struct AddStickerToSet
- struct Animation
- struct AnswerCallbackQuery
- struct AnswerInlineQuery
- struct AnswerPreCheckoutQuery
- struct AnswerShippingQuery
- struct AnswerWebAppQuery
- struct ApproveChatJoinRequest
- struct Audio
- struct BanChatMember
- struct BanChatSenderChat
- struct Bot
- fn add_sticker_to_set
- fn answer_callback_query
- fn answer_inline_query
- fn answer_pre_checkout_query
- fn answer_shipping_query
- fn answer_web_app_query
- fn api_multipart_form_request
- fn api_request
- fn approve_chat_join_request
- fn ban_chat_member
- fn ban_chat_sender_chat
- fn close
- fn close_forum_topic
- fn close_general_forum_topic
- fn copy_message
- fn create_chat_invite_link
- fn create_forum_topic
- fn create_invoice_link
- fn create_new_sticker_set
- fn decline_chat_join_request
- fn delete_chat_photo
- fn delete_chat_sticker_set
- fn delete_forum_topic
- fn delete_message
- fn delete_my_commands
- fn delete_sticker_from_set
- fn delete_sticker_set
- fn delete_webhook
- fn edit_chat_invite_link
- fn edit_forum_topic
- fn edit_general_forum_topic
- fn edit_message_caption
- fn edit_message_live_location
- fn edit_message_media
- fn edit_message_reply_markup
- fn edit_message_text
- fn export_chat_invite_link
- fn forward_message
- fn get_chat
- fn get_chat_administrators
- fn get_chat_member
- fn get_chat_member_count
- fn get_chat_menu_button
- fn get_custom_emoji_stickers
- fn get_file
- fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers
- fn get_game_high_scores
- fn get_me
- fn get_my_commands
- fn get_my_default_administrator_rights
- fn get_my_description
- fn get_my_name
- fn get_my_short_description
- fn get_sticker_set
- fn get_updates
- fn get_user_profile_photos
- fn get_webhook_info
- fn hide_general_forum_topic
- fn leave_chat
- fn log_out
- fn pin_chat_message
- fn promote_chat_member
- fn reopen_forum_topic
- fn reopen_general_forum_topic
- fn restrict_chat_member
- fn revoke_chat_invite_link
- fn send_animation
- fn send_audio
- fn send_chat_action
- fn send_contact
- fn send_dice
- fn send_document
- fn send_game
- fn send_invoice
- fn send_location
- fn send_media_group
- fn send_message
- fn send_photo
- fn send_poll
- fn send_sticker
- fn send_venue
- fn send_video
- fn send_video_note
- fn send_voice
- fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title
- fn set_chat_description
- fn set_chat_menu_button
- fn set_chat_permissions
- fn set_chat_photo
- fn set_chat_sticker_set
- fn set_chat_title
- fn set_custom_emoji_sticker_set_thumbnail
- fn set_game_score
- fn set_my_commands
- fn set_my_default_administrator_rights
- fn set_my_description
- fn set_my_name
- fn set_my_short_description
- fn set_passport_data_errors
- fn set_sticker_emoji_list
- fn set_sticker_keywords
- fn set_sticker_mask_position
- fn set_sticker_position_in_set
- fn set_sticker_set_thumbnail
- fn set_sticker_set_title
- fn set_webhook
- fn stop_message_live_location
- fn stop_poll
- fn unban_chat_member
- fn unban_chat_sender_chat
- fn unhide_general_forum_topic
- fn unpin_all_chat_messages
- fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages
- fn unpin_all_general_forum_topic_messages
- fn unpin_chat_message
- fn upload_sticker_file
- struct BotCommand
- struct BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators
- struct BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats
- struct BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats
- struct BotCommandScopeChat
- struct BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators
- struct BotCommandScopeChatMember
- struct BotCommandScopeDefault
- struct BotDescription
- struct BotName
- struct BotShortDescription
- struct CallbackGame
- struct CallbackQuery
- struct Chat
- struct ChatAdministratorRights
- struct ChatInviteLink
- struct ChatJoinRequest
- struct ChatLocation
- struct ChatMember
- struct ChatMemberAdministrator
- struct ChatMemberBanned
- struct ChatMemberLeft
- struct ChatMemberMember
- struct ChatMemberOwner
- struct ChatMemberRestricted
- struct ChatMemberUpdated
- struct ChatPermissions
- struct ChatPhoto
- struct ChatShared
- struct ChosenInlineResult
- struct Close
- struct CloseForumTopic
- struct CloseGeneralForumTopic
- struct Contact
- struct CopyMessage
- struct CreateChatInviteLink
- struct CreateForumTopic
- struct CreateInvoiceLink
- struct CreateNewStickerSet
- struct DeclineChatJoinRequest
- struct DeleteChatPhoto
- struct DeleteChatStickerSet
- struct DeleteForumTopic
- struct DeleteMessage
- struct DeleteMyCommands
- struct DeleteStickerFromSet
- struct DeleteStickerSet
- struct DeleteWebhook
- struct Dice
- struct Document
- struct EditChatInviteLink
- struct EditForumTopic
- struct EditGeneralForumTopic
- struct EditMessageCaption
- struct EditMessageLiveLocation
- struct EditMessageMedia
- struct EditMessageReplyMarkup
- struct EditMessageText
- struct EncryptedCredentials
- struct EncryptedPassportElement
- struct ExportChatInviteLink
- struct File
- struct ForceReply
- struct ForumTopic
- struct ForumTopicClosed
- struct ForumTopicCreated
- struct ForumTopicEdited
- struct ForumTopicReopened
- struct ForwardMessage
- struct Game
- struct GameHighScore
- struct GeneralForumTopicHidden
- struct GeneralForumTopicUnhidden
- struct GetChat
- struct GetChatAdministrators
- struct GetChatMember
- struct GetChatMemberCount
- struct GetChatMenuButton
- struct GetCustomEmojiStickers
- struct GetFile
- struct GetForumTopicIconStickers
- struct GetGameHighScores
- struct GetMyCommands
- struct GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
- struct GetMyDescription
- struct GetMyName
- struct GetMyShortDescription
- struct GetStickerSet
- struct GetUpdates
- struct GetUserProfilePhotos
- struct GetWebhookInfo
- struct HideGeneralForumTopic
- struct InlineKeyboardButton
- struct InlineKeyboardMarkup
- struct InlineQuery
- struct InlineQueryResultArticle
- struct InlineQueryResultAudio
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedGif
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
- struct InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
- struct InlineQueryResultContact
- struct InlineQueryResultDocument
- struct InlineQueryResultGame
- struct InlineQueryResultGif
- struct InlineQueryResultLocation
- struct InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
- struct InlineQueryResultPhoto
- struct InlineQueryResultsButton
- struct InlineQueryResultVenue
- struct InlineQueryResultVideo
- struct InlineQueryResultVoice
- struct InputContactMessageContent
- struct InputFile
- struct InputInvoiceMessageContent
- struct InputLocationMessageContent
- struct InputMediaAnimation
- struct InputMediaAudio
- struct InputMediaDocument
- struct InputMediaPhoto
- struct InputMediaVideo
- struct InputSticker
- struct InputTextMessageContent
- struct InputVenueMessageContent
- struct Invoice
- struct KeyboardButton
- struct KeyboardButtonExt
- struct KeyboardButtonPollType
- struct KeyboardButtonRequestChat
- struct KeyboardButtonRequestUser
- struct LabeledPrice
- struct LeaveChat
- struct Location
- struct LoginUrl
- struct LogOut
- struct MaskPosition
- struct MenuButtonCommands
- struct MenuButtonDefault
- struct MenuButtonWebApp
- struct Message
- struct MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged
- struct MessageEntity
- struct MessageId
- struct OrderInfo
- struct PassportData
- struct PassportElementErrorDataField
- struct PassportElementErrorFile
- struct PassportElementErrorFiles
- struct PassportElementErrorFrontSide
- struct PassportElementErrorReverseSide
- struct PassportElementErrorSelfie
- struct PassportElementErrorTranslationFile
- struct PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles
- struct PassportElementErrorUnspecified
- struct PassportFile
- struct PhotoSize
- struct PinChatMessage
- struct Poll
- struct PollAnswer
- struct PollingConfig
- struct PollOption
- struct PreCheckoutQuery
- struct PromoteChatMember
- struct ProximityAlertTriggered
- struct Regular
- struct ReopenForumTopic
- struct ReopenGeneralForumTopic
- struct ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- struct ReplyKeyboardMarkupExt
- struct ReplyKeyboardRemove
- struct ResponseNotOK
- struct ResponseOK
- struct ResponseParameters
- struct RestrictChatMember
- struct Result
- struct RevokeChatInviteLink
- struct SendAnimation
- struct SendAudio
- struct SendChatAction
- struct SendContact
- struct SendDice
- struct SendDocument
- struct SendGame
- struct SendInvoice
- struct SendLocation
- struct SendMediaGroup
- struct SendMediaGroupParams
- struct SendMessage
- struct SendPhoto
- struct SendPoll
- struct SendSticker
- struct SendVenue
- struct SendVideo
- struct SendVideoNote
- struct SendVoice
- struct SentWebAppMessage
- struct SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle
- struct SetChatDescription
- struct SetChatMenuButton
- struct SetChatPermissions
- struct SetChatPhoto
- struct SetChatStickerSet
- struct SetChatTitle
- struct SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail
- struct SetGameScore
- struct SetMyCommands
- struct SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights
- struct SetMyDescription
- struct SetMyName
- struct SetMyShortDescription
- struct SetPassportDataErrors
- struct SetStickerEmojiList
- struct SetStickerKeywords
- struct SetStickerMaskPosition
- struct SetStickerPositionInSet
- struct SetStickerSetThumbnail
- struct SetStickerSetTitle
- struct SetWebhook
- struct ShippingAddress
- struct ShippingOption
- struct ShippingQuery
- struct Sticker
- struct StickerSet
- struct StopMessageLiveLocation
- struct StopPoll
- struct Story
- struct SuccessfulPayment
- struct SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat
- struct UnbanChatMember
- struct UnbanChatSenderChat
- struct UnhideGeneralForumTopic
- struct UnpinAllChatMessages
- struct UnpinAllForumTopicMessages
- struct UnpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages
- struct UnpinChatMessage
- struct Update
- struct UploadStickerFile
- struct User
- struct UserProfilePhotos
- struct UserShared
- struct Venue
- struct Video
- struct VideoChatEnded
- struct VideoChatParticipantsInvited
- struct VideoChatScheduled
- struct VideoChatStarted
- struct VideoNote
- struct Voice
- struct WebAppData
- struct WebAppInfo
- struct WebhookInfo
- struct WriteAccessAllowed